Not necessary to read- A/N

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If you don't read this, then you don't read this. And I mean both the story and the authors note, one or the other, maybe both. I hope y'all know that this is purely for my own enjoyment, so updates are sporadic and I am not really taking suggestions for what y'all want to read. Especially between all of my AP classes, and homework. Plus I have to memorize roughly 20 songs for choir between County and Regional honor choir and plain ol' Highschool choir. We're not even going to mention FFA 

So as said- you can correct me on grammar and even my writing style- that's personal preference and shit, but I will write this story how and when I please because of all the stories I have read that make me beyond frustrated. Either because there isn't a sequel and I'm now in need of either a distraction or a weapon, or if it was just poorly written, or if it was well written but there were so many stupid events that would not happen. (I'm not saying that any of this is realistic)

Basically I'm taking all of my favorite things from these Chaos stories and making them mine- how I like them and how I think would make sense. 

Without further adieu-  my shitty story.  

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