Chapter 3 (first 2000 words of it, at least)

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Chapter 3 - just a normal mission... *dun dun dun*

The campers watched in morbid fascination as the A team worked in perfect tandem. It was like a well oiled machine. When one cog turned, the rest followed along with ease. This was the type of mastery only a group of seasoned warriors could possibly possess. There was no need for the campers to even join the battle. Swords hung idly at their waists, shields and armor half equipped – forgotten.

The campers were taught that a war was fought with the people. Every man had a mission and every man counted. But the longer the battle droned on, the more confident the kids watching were that they would make no difference in this war. But the A team would. It was no longer a matter of monsters and men, but which monster would prevail in the end.

1 Week prior

The grand doors of the throne room loomed overhead and the sight was quite intimidating to most all that gazed upon it. Despite that, Perseus Jackson trekked onwards. Tonight was just a normal night. Like every other. When he opened the doors, the usual smile Chaos greeted him with every time he was assigned something new was absent. Nothing about this seemed to point towards their normal interactions.

"What's up, old man? Cat got your tongue?" Percy said cautiously, eyeing Chaos carefully. "You seem off today."

"You have a mission on earth." Chaos looked somber, an arm propped up against the side of his throne and his head leaning into his open hand. Overall, it was quite the sight, seeing the mighty Creator so... confused? Hurt? Which was odd. Nothing about this was new. After a couple thousand years, it's normal for the army to be sent off to help the Earthen mortals with their petty, destructive wars.

"And? We've had plenty of missions on earth before. What are we talking? A squadron, maybe two? Or if you want it inconspicuous, I'll tell Blake to pack his shit." Percy backed towards the throne room doors, planning on leaving Chaos alone to his thoughts after their short conversation.

"I want... need... the A team. And tell Kearan that I want his sector free for this too. Possibly Noztara's as well," Chaos beckoned.

Percy paused and looked questioningly at Chaos. He was taken aback. "That bad, huh? I'll let the team know at dinner. Better not be classified though, Aspera is gonna be hanging out with us tonight. Actually, it doesn't matter. We both know I'd tell her anyway." Percy looked at his watch and pointed in Chaos' direction. "I have to go, but send me the details tonight and I'll get the crew ready." Percy thought, assumed, that the conversation was over. But as he turned to leave, Chaos stopped him in his tracks once again.


Chaos had only ever addressed him as such twice. Second time being now. Percy didn't like it then and he most certainly did not like it now.

"Seriously, what is up with you today?"

"I'm sorry."

Each time Chaos spoke, it set Percy on edge- closer to tipping off with each word. "You're seriously scaring me now, you better tell me what the fuck is up or I'm going to... something. Seriously. Tell me." Percy's face had dropped and he was now facing Chaos fully. His features were eerily calm. The calm before the storm.

"It's not a small war. The camps have requested our aid." As soon as the words left Chaos' mouth, Percy froze. All color had drained from his face. Chaos continued, "It's not another pointless human war. You and your team can't just hide in the shadows and intervene when the demigods aren't looking. This time they know what to be looking for. The army wasn't there to help save people during the giant war. But now that you've built it from the ground up, you can help them more than we ever could before."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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