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Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette and Alya are having a meeting with Alix, Juleka, Mylène, and Rose.

Alya: Thanks for showing up, girls. So, check this out. I've got the...biggest...scoop! But FYI, it's seriously hush-hush. Top secret, classified information.
Alix: You know who Ladybug is? (Juleka, Mylène, and Rose gasp)

"Yeah, I do and she's my best friend who kept a secret for 3 years." Alya said

Alya: No, but it's almost as hot. Marinette is—
Marinette: Wait, Alya. (whispering to Alya) Do you really think this is such a good idea?
Alya: I don't think it is, I know it is. But remember, girls, your lips are sealed. Got it?
Girls: Mm-hmm.
Alya: Well, Marinette is head-over-heels for somebody.
Alix: Yeah, Adrien.
(All the girls chuckle at Marinette.)
Marinette: What? But how did you know?
Mylène: Well, it is pretty obvious.
Marinette: So, do you think...I mean...Adrien knows too?
Rose: No way. Boys never pick up on things like that.

"Guess all boys are blind to when girls have a crush on them." Jeff said

Girls: Mm-hmm.
(Marinette sighs in relief.)
Alya: Right, so let's get down to business. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to arrange a ridiculously romantic date between Marinette and Adrien.
Rose: Oh, that's so sweet!
Alix: Great!
Juleka: Big time!
Mylène: We know we can always count on you, Marinette; so you can count on us too.

"That's a total lie when they stood her up when Lila lied about her." Gary whispered to Jeff

"Yeah, great friends they are." Gary whispered back

Marinette: Aw, thanks, girls.
Alya: You're up, Marinette.
Marinette: Alya and I have come up with a plan. It's called "Operation: Secret Garden".
Mylène: Excuse me, but why do we need a plan? I mean, can't Marinette just go up to Adrien and ask him out?
(All the girls start laughing.)
Alya: Seriously, Mylène? This is Marinette we're talking about here. Now, each one of you will have a codename based on a flower. Alix, you'll be "Violet". Mylène, you'll be "Sunflower". Juleka, you'll be "Rose". And Rose will be "Tulip"

"You know we should have kept Rose's name as Rose since she kept getting confused." Marinette said

Rose: Um, why isn't my name "Rose"?
Alya: Because "Rose" is your real name.
Marinette: It won't be a codename if we call you "Rose". (Rose thinks for a moment) This afternoon, "Buttercup" has a photo shoot at the Trocadéro fountains.
Rose: Hmm...
Alix: (whispers to Rose) Adrien!
Rose: Ah!
Marinette: His security guard, a.k.a. the "Nanny", will be waiting for him in the car on the other side of the esplanade, in the "chariot". He's supposed to take "Buttercup" back home after the photo shoot, except that's not gonna happen. This is where you guys come in. (All the girls nod their heads) Step one: "Rose" will have a fake "No Parking" sign. She'll go over to—
Mylène: Um, who's "Rose" again?

"See we getting confused about who's Rose so why couldn't Rose be just Rose." Mylene said

Rose: Me, of course!
Alya: No, Rose. It's Juleka. You're "Tulip". (points at the girls in order again) "Violet". "Sunflower". "Rose". "Tulip". (groans when Rose still doesn't get it)
Marinette: So, step one: "Rose", you put the fake sign next to the "Nanny's chariot".
(In a fantasy scene, Juleka puts her fake sign next to the bodyguard's car.)
Marinette: (narrating) Step two: "Sunflower", you'll go find a police officer and say to him: (imitating Mylène's voice) "Hello, Mr. Police-Officer. Oh, look! That car's parked illegally". (imitating Roger's voice) "Well, you don't say! I shall enforce the law right this second! Thank you, young lady."

"Were you trying to imitate my voice?" Roger asked

"I tried to but it's not my fault I can't do a proper Male voice." Marinette said

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