What if Masaru wasn't Katsuki's Bio Father?
What if Katsukis uncle was Aizawa?
What if Katsuki Moved to New york?
What if Katsuki's real bio father was Jamaican & Spanish?
What if Katsuki was flexible and did Dance and Gymnastics?
What if Izuku was...
this' ' is thinking this* *is sound effect this" "is talking this- - is whispering . . . "Y'all wanna go on a lil ride?" . . . . Katsuki's pov*
"Hell yeah we're we going" Denki says practically jumping in the passenger seat "Well my dad needs me to go pick up something and go bring it to him and my mom since they can't leave from where they are" i say reversing out of the parking space.
They all say ok, i ask denki if his phone still needs to charge "Uhh nah not really it's at 80% now" " Oh ok can you plug my phone in for me" i ask handing him my phone.
"Hey Siri play {So Mi Like it by Spice}" i say loud enough for my Siri to hear, as the song starts playing Denki and me start vibing he highers the volume putting it on full max and starts twerking in the passenger seat with me hyping him up
[When the song finishes]
Once the song finished i peeped something in the Rear-view mirror it was Izuku and Shinso looking like they were trying to keep themselves from laughing, "Oh shit i dead forgot y'all were even here!" i say with wide eyes .
They start laughing hysterically i just roll my eyes , when the gps said that we have arrived i pull into the driveway "Alright y'all imma be right back, here one of y'all play music" i say unplugging my phone and hopping out the car.
I walk up the steps to what i assume was the front door of the house, I knock twice and wait for someone to open it i hear a faint 'hold on' the door opens revealing a tall girl creamy pale skinned girl with tattoos and beautiful black wavy hair.
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"Hey you must be Cyrus and Mitsuki's kid right?" the woman asks i just nod my head, she smiles and hands me three 30kg bags of weed .
I thank her before waving goodbye and walking back to the car, i hop back in the car placing the baggies in the cup holder "Heyyy is dattt weed" I turn around to see Izuku looking at it with literal stars in is eyes "Ehhh yea but it's not mines it's my parents" i hear him say awww before continuing to play music.
"Ok y'all it's gonna take about 20 mins to get to where my parents" they all say ok as i reverse out of the driveway.
[20 minutes later]
We finally made it to the studio, i park the car in front of the building and text my dad.
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"y'all i'll be out in a sec aii" they all say ok and continue to joke around, i hop out the car closing the door behind me and make my way inside.
As i'm walking down a long hallway i hear music playing and people talking 'i think their in there' i walk over to the door knocking on it twice "Come in" i hear a voice say i walk into the room and see a group of people drinking and smoking and some other people inside the booth, my dad gets up and walks over to me " Thank you kat" he says grabbing the baggies and giving me a hug i push him away "You smell like beer" i say rolling my eyes he just laughs and looks at the weed in his hands "Oh she gave me an extra baggy here you can have it" he says obviously drank while handing me the extra baggy " Thanks i guess" i say laughs.
I say goodbye to my dad and head back to the car when i walk outside i see Denki and Izuku getting out the car to switch seats, I walk over to the driver side door opening it and hopping in "Why y'all switch seats?" i asked not really mad at it cause i get to sit next to this sexy ass mf " Cause he wanted to sit back there with shinso" Izuku said with is usual deep but soft voice that can make any girl wet.
I nod my head "Hey cuzzo can you take me and Denki back to my house cause Denki is already knocked" Shinso says pointing at the sleeping Denki in his lap, "Yea aii sure" i say as i start drive to Shinso's crib.
[When the arrive]
"Bye Cuzzo love you thanks for the car ride" Shinso says carrying Denki bridal style, i told him No problem and i love him too, Shinso then says bye to Izuku before heading inside.
As i'm driving towards Izuku's house i can't help but steal a couple of glances at him i mean look at him he's absolutely perfect with his creamy tan-ish skin, those emerald green eyes that you can easily get lost in, and don't get me started on his body mmmm his body i would soooo let him fuc-' i quickly break out of my thoughts as we arrive at his house.
"Thanks for today shortcake it was really fun, hope to do it again someday maybe with just the two of us" he says smirking before hopping out the car closing the door behind him.
Once again he left me sitting there looking flabbergasted, i snap out of it and head home. . . . . . . end~ i honestly had no idea where i was going wit dis chapter😭