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                                            Belford, England,December 1818

"Annabeth, that is what I shall call you"Thomas stated, feeling proud. He had just been made a father and by far, it was the biggest achievement ever made in his 23 years he had lived on earth. "You look so much like your mother" he cooed and the newborn giggled, as if she knew. "Sir, it is your wife" the midwife called him. He entered the room and placed the 2 hour newborn in her crib. "They are twins, sir but the other baby's crown is stuck" . Even with this disturbing news, he was rather joyful. Twins! That would be a double blessing. He went to his tired wife. "Lizzy" he breathed. She looked at him, her face a painting of sweat and tears." I need you to push" he looked into her blue eyes. "Push as hard as you can" he kissed her forehead. And she did. Elizabeth pushed with all her might and the baby came out crying. The midwife cleaned the newborn girl and gave her to her papa."you shall be called Beatrice" he stated. Elizabeth gave out a loud cry. "Lord! Another one" the midwife exclaimed, rushing towards her. Thomas looked at the time. It was past 12 now. It was now Boxing Day. Triplets! Is that not something? He thought. He put beatrice in the crib beside her sister and began to rock them. They were about to sleep when another baby's cry pierced the silence. Thomas rushed to welcome the newborn. "Your name is Catherine" he stated again. "Is there another one?" He asked, beginning to worry. What if his wife never stopped? "No, sir"

He heaved a sigh of relief much too early.

"There is! There is another one" Elizabeth screamed in labor. He was feeling utterly guilty now, as this was indirectly his fault that she was feeling pain. Another one? He wasn't sure he liked that very much but he welcomed her as well with as much enthusiasm ,as he did his first. "Well hello Deborah"

After a while, the midwife left and Elizabeth was relieved. "Bring them to me" she ordered weakly. He somehow managed to carry all four of them to her. "Thomas Newton. Look what you have done. Made me a mother of four" she joked, taking Annabeth from him. "You Blame me? You have made me a father of four" he joked back, sitting down with her. "They've got blue eyes" she smiled, holding all four now. To thomas, this was the best view in all of England. He kissed each of their heads, his very soul filled with love for each of his girls."this one's got dimples" she pointed out, referring to Annabeth. "This one has quite the forehead" he gestured to Beatrice's big forehead. They spent the wee hours of the morning trying to differentiate between the quadruplets and to Thomas Newton, that was the best thing he had ever done.

And here we are. 

This is my first time writing historical fiction. I'm doing this because my friends suggested this and said I had potential in becoming a good author and I'm here to see if that's true. (My money's on the line here) but if I do become a successful watt pad author then I suppose that maybe my dollar bill would be worth it.

Also, if you feel that anything in the story isn't historically accurate. Please alert me.

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