Mission 1: Strike

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We Open to a desert and soon the camera move close to the caves in the desert...

Graves: *radio* Gold Eagle Actual Shadow 1 is weapons Hot we're burning daylight here.

Shepherd: *radio* Copy Graves Stand By Laswell do you have any eyes?

Laswell: *radio* Watcher 1 to Bravo 7 and Ghost 6 you in position?

Ghost: we're nearly there Bravo 7 out Come on Reaper.

Reaper: Roger.

Simon "Ghost" Riley
With "Reaper"
Al-Mazrah U.R.A
16th July 2022 1600

A Chopper passes by...

Ghost: Got a Heli Passing Us.

Reaper: This is some weird shit.

Ghost: Don't sweat brother we're here to finish the job.

Reaper: Got It Ghost Shadow Lead this is Ghost 6 you have eyes on any enemy hostiles yet?

Graves: *radio* Negative Ghost 6 you're in the blind Shadow Lead Out.

Reaper: Roger That.

Ghost and Reaper then spot a base and sees a lot o vehicles and helicopters...

Reaper: bowman we found the enemy base I Repeat we found the enemy base.

Bowman: *radio* Copy Have Any Eyes on Ghorbrani?

Ghost pulls out Binoculars and looks at the enemy base seeing a lot of Russian soldiers

Ghost: We don't see him but I see a lot of Russians.

Reaper: Why are the hell Russians trying to help Ghorbrani?

Shepherd: *radio* Same Thing Reaper.

Ghost then spots someone exiting the Chopper...

Ghost: I have eyes on Ghorbrani He's getting out of the chopper.

Shepherd: *radio* Roger This Poor Son Of A Bitch is going to pay Shadow Lead you are engaged to launch the missile I repeat Launch The Missile that's an order.

Graves: *radio* Roger Time for the Hail Mary.

Then a Missile shot was heard as Ghost and Reaper look to see a missile heading for The base which it hits on Impact Killing Ghorbrani and The Russian soldiers...

Reaper: Holy Shit! That's crazy!

Ghost: We bloody did it mate. Ghost to actual, Target destroy.

Reaper and Ghost then fist pump each other...

Call of duty
Modern Warfare II

A/n: okay first of sorry it took long to upload and second most of these chapters are going to be short because the mission are somewhat short, okay so here's what my next update going to be...

1. Moon knight defenders.

2. Transformers prime

3. Transformers prime x TMNT

4. Power rangers


5. Marvel venom and runaways

Yes, you saw the last one right I will go back and continue to write it during my break which start next Thursday which kinda sucks for me because my birthday is two days after it's over so yeah but I'm gonna to try and stay home on that day but anyway sorry I didn't post much but I'll see you guys soon bye!

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