Crying, Waiting, Hoping

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Paul sat with his head in his hands as he waited for Y/n, his girlfriend of 2 years, to get out of surgery.

Y/n had recently gotten into an automobile accident, where she was hit head on by a drunken driver. Paul, who was in the studio at the time, got a call and rushed to A&E.

"For Y/l/n?" A Doctor announced as he walked into the waiting area.

Paul immediately stood up, rushing as quickly as he could to the Doctor. "Yes- is she okay?"

"Not exactly." The Doctor started. "You see, Miss. Y/l/n has experienced serious trauma to the spine, and lower part of her back."

Paul's eyes widened. "W-What...does that entail?"

The Doctor paused, sighing as he looked at Paul. "Y/n has the extreme possibility of being paralyzed from the waste down. We don't know if it's for certain, however the likelihood is very high."

Paul let out a cry, placing his hand over his mouth.

"I'm sorry sir. That's all the news I have for now." The Doctor pursed his lips, placing a hand on Paul's shoulder before leaving back to Y/n's room.

So there Paul sat again- for hours on end, crying, waiting, hoping for his beloved Y/n to be alright- not daring to move an inch.

It was now dark outside; the time 3:41 am. Paul assumed the mates had all gone home to their significant others by now, no longer waiting at the studio for a call letting them know that Y/n was going to be okay; because, in all honesty, he didn't know.

That was until the same Doctor came out, asking for the one name Paul had been longing for.

"For Y/l/n." He piped, his voice tired from lack of sleep.

And once again, Paul quickly stood up and made his way to the man, praying that he'd give him something-anything on Y/n.

"Is she alright?" Paul stammered hastily, his eyes pleading with the Doctor.

"I wouldn't say alright, but, she is...stable." The Doctor admitted, looking down. "I came to let you know that you can see her now. She just woke up."

Paul nodded and followed the Doctor to Y/n's room, his eyes beginning to rim with tears. She's not alright? Paul thought to himself, finally reaching the ward Y/n was on.

"I'll leave you two alone," The Doctor huffed, looking at his clipboard. "She's in the second room on the right."

"Thank you." Paul replied softly, stepping into Y/n's room, his anxiousness seeping through.

"Hey Paul." Y/n grinned weakly as she saw Paul enter her room, still groggy from the surgery.

"Hi Love." Paul sniffled sadly, walking over to Y/n's bedside, sitting down. "How are you feeling?"

"I can't feel the lower part of my body." Y/n mumbled numbly, her fingers lightly tapping her left leg.

"Oh god-" Paul breathed, crying silently to himself.

There were no words to describe how unbearable this sight was for Paul to look at. The love of his life was sat in a hospital bed, paralyzed. The love of his life laid there, knowing she might never be able to walk again. But primarily, the love of his life was hurt, and he wasn't there to stop it.

"Paul, don't cry. I'm okay, really." Y/n insisted, trying to sooth the distraught Paul.

"But you're not!" Paul cried. "I-If I was there in the car with you- if I was there to stop it..."

"It would've happened either way." Y/n theorized, grabbing Paul's hand. "Paul, it would've happened either way."

Taking a moment to think- as he stared at their intertwined hands- Paul nodded, realising he must face the truth. "You're right. But it still kills me to see you like this."

"How do you think I feel?" Y/n smiled. "I've never seen you cry." Her delicate hand gently caressed Paul's softened face.

A instance of silence passed before Paul spoke up."I have a question." He asked quietly.

"What is it?" Y/n replied tiredly, laying her head on the uncomfortable hospital pillow.

"How are you so calm with all of this going on?" Paul sighed, wiping his tears with his free hand, finally having the strength to stop crying. "You know I'm not." He chuckled.

"I've accepted whats happened." Y/n shrugged. "I've realized that it was never my fault and that it was out of my control. Everything happens for a reason."

"This shouldn't have happened." Paul frowned, shaking his head slightly.

"I know my love, I know."


It's been about a month since the accident happened, and Paul has not left his girlfriends side, practically moving into the hospital with her once they heard the news that she needed to stay for further treatment.

The boys; Ringo, George, and John, have been nothing but supportive. They even halted recording their next album, A Hard Days Night, for the sake of Paul and Y/n.

But, not everything has been easy.

Since Day 1, Y/n has had to endure harsh physical therapy, working both her mind and her body to the point of sheer exhaustion.

According to the Doctors, this was the only way to restore Y/n's chances of being able to walk again.

"Ah!" Y/n grunted, frustration lacing her voice. Currently, she was working with the physical therapists on stairs, to try and rebuild her mobility. "I can't do it!" She looked at Paul, who was standing in the corner of the room-trying not to disturb the work being done. "I can't do it..."

"Love, don't say that- You're doing great!" Paul cheered on, walking over to the stairs.

"I can't walk...I can't do it." Y/n cried, her legs stuck on the first step.

"But you are! Haven't you noticed?" He beamed. "Everyday, you're getting stronger and stronger. It may be rough now, but I promise you my love, it's going to get better." Paul placed a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb, trying to cheer her up.

Y/n looked at her boyfriend and sniffled, leaning into him. "I guess I have gotten a bit better."

"A bit? Three weeks ago you were barley able to stand! Y/n you're doing remarkably well!" Paul exclaimed, kissing the top of his girlfriends head before looking back into her eyes.

"I promise you Y/n, you will walk again."

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