Chapter 15

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Kongpob is a person with lots of morning activities, while Arthit is lazy in the morning.

Kongpob wakes up at 5.30 in the morning and after a little freshen up he does exercise at the gym which he setup in his house. Some days when he feels like wants to feel the morning breeze, he goes for a jog in his nearby park.

After a one hour workout or jogging he takes a bath and gets ready for work. Once he gets ready he has breakfast made by his mother. After breakfast Kongpob helps his mom in doing dishes. Kongpob leaves for work exactly at 8 in the morning.

Arthit wakes up at half past seven in the morning, that too after so much struggling from his Mae.

After waking up he takes a quick shower and stuff whatever his Mae cooked and runs to catch the motorcycle taxi. 

Thankfully his work place is just half an hour away from his house. And he is acquainted with the motorcycle driver that always waits for him so Arthit is never late for work.

Kongpob groans and sleepily rubs his face into the pillow. Kongpob takes a deep breath and frowns when the smell of the pillow is forriegn to him. Then a smile forms as he thinks the smell is so sweet that he can wake up every morning with this smell.

Kongpob opens his eyes slowly and frowns when he greeted with a foreign surroundings. Kongpob hurriedly sits on the bed and looks frantically around the room and finally he sighs in relief when his eyes locked at the photo frame of Arthit hugging his mother.

A small smile forms at his lips and he looks down at the bed where Arthit slept last night. Kongpob frowns when he saw the empty space.

"That's so odd P'Arthit to wake up so early" Kongpob murmur himself and get off the bed.

Kongpob pads towards the bathroom while yawning loudly and scratching his head. Kongpob checks the bathroom if it's locked from inside before getting into the bathroom.

Kongpob comes out of the bathroom after freshening up and frowns when he sees the bedroom door is also locked from inside. 

Confused Kongpob looks around and finds the whole room empty. After looking around Kongpob noticed the blanket arthit used last night crumbled under his bed. Kongpob looks down at the bed and he sees a bundle under the bed. Chuckled Kongpob crawled under the bed.

Arthit  was sleeping while covering his entire body including his head.

Kongpob slowly removes the blanket covering Arthit's face. A soft smile appears on Kongpob's face seeing the sleeping face of Arthit.

Arthit was sleeping with his mouth a little ajar. His whole face looks a little swollen and makes him look adorable . His long bangs almost covering his eyes makes him look younger than his real age.


Kongpob whispers slowly for which Arthit didn't even budge a little.

With a naughty smile on face Kongpob squeeze Arthit's nose using his thumb and index finger.

Holding this position Kongpob counts silently in his mind. Even after he reached 20 Arthit refused to budge, which made him worried. 

Kongpob looks at Arthit and sees Arthit, now sleeping with his mouth wide open and breathing through his mouth.

Sighing slowly Kongpob pokes Arthit cheek slowly until Arthit groans lightly and opens his eyes.

"P'Arthit, wake up it's already 6 in the morning" Kongpob says in a soft voice.

Arthit groans and place his hand on Kongpob's shoulder and pats his back after saying "why are you wandering around in the midnight go back to sleep"

Kongpob chuckles "phi it's not midnight. The sun is about to rise"

"Sun rises only when Arthit wakes up. Now go back to sleep" Arthit mumbles sleepily with closed eyes.

"Phi if you don't wake up we will be late for work"

"Kong please let me sleep if you let me sleep now I promise I will give you a reward"

"Really phi! You won't change your words after you wake up, right?"

"Hmmmm" Arthit hums while snoring a little.

Kongpob checks the time and he sees there is still lots of time for work. 

Kongpob looks at Arthit's face, this is the first time he has seen Arthit this closely. Kongpob hugs Arthit's waist and pulls him closer.

He still remembers the day when he first met Arthit. 


Kongpob was waiting for his interview. He feels so lost and confused. Like he was in a deep forest and in complete darkness. 

He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know whether he should choose engineering as his mom's wish or choose economics as his dream.

Kongpob startles when he feels a cooling sensation in his left cheek. Kongpob looks up and sees a senior pressing his cold drink in his cheek.

He doesn't know why he feels so at ease with the senior and shares all his worries with him.

After talking to the senior he feels much better and he feels finally got the way out of the forest and can see the rays of sunshine.

Kongpob takes the drink offered by the senior with a soft smile and takes a sip. 

In the end Kongpob chose engineering as his mom's wish and also he may or may not want to meet the kind senior again who has been occupying his head and heart ever since that short meeting.

 He was thinking how to find the senior from this pool of students. But his luck worked overtime and made his favorite senior  come by himself and introduce himself in front of the fresher men.

Kongpob smiles when he hears the name of the senior.

'Arthit' really suits his character. Bright and warm.

But he was a little disappointed that his senior didn't recognize him. But he is not Kongpob if he's not stubborn. He did everything to get the attention of the senior.

He was happier than he thought he would ever be. He never regretted choosing engineering over his dream until that fateful day.

Author's note

I really want to apologise for the late update🙏🙏 I promise I will try to update the next chapter as soon as possible and thank you so much for still stick with my story and wait patiently ❤️❤️❤️ love you all so much ❤️ I haven't edited this chapter so please forgive me for the mistakes 🤗🤗

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