the call.

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The phone rang, lighting up the screen with his name

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The phone rang, lighting up the screen with his name. She stopped mid-action at the sight of those letters, tugging at her heart. A week ago she would've picked up instantly, yearning for the sound of his warm, husky voice. A voice that used to mean everything and now brought forth only sadness. She'd told herself to forget it and leave it behind, but she hadn't even changed his contact name yet. It still showed the remnants of the boy she once knew. A boy that was now too far gone.

But she couldn't help caring for him still. Even after everything.

She left the lipstick on the dresser, next to the green paper he so adamantly insisted she take on one of the last nights, and picked up the phone, letting it ring a couple more times. She thought about answering. It wouldn't be smart to listen to him again. Listen to that voice she so badly wanted to believe in. What would he say? Would she buy his false promises? Was he okay? Was he only seeking comfort?

A bad feeling settled all over her. She was supposed to be getting her mind off of him, but she couldn't. Not when he had meant the world to her and his desperate calls after she left had plagued her endlessly for days. It had made it twice as hard as it should be because she knew it was the right thing. But then the phone rang tonight and she found herself wanting to reach him again.

All the memories came back to her in a tidal wave. She remembered everything, all five of them, though she wished she didn't. Hueningkai, the cute dongsaeng, Taehyun, with a passion for skating, Beomgyu, always with a smile, Soobin, a food lover, and finally Yeonjun. Her love, Yeonjun. What had become of them? When did things change so much that they turned unrecognisable?

The ringing ended before she could make up her mind, but the feeling persisted. Something wasn't right and she knew it. At some point, his calls stopped being a cute lover occurrence and turned into a need for comfort on dark nights. At some point, he only called when he was hurt and needed to hear her voice. The girl knew it was one of those times then. She just knew. So even as the call ended she began dialling a number, but it wasn't his.

As the line rang, she thought back to those days when the five boys were the only good in her world. A goodness that had now turned sour.

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