🌸Cherry Tree - Mizuena (fluff)

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Pov: 3rd Person

'They're late,' the brunette thought, annoyed. She dipped her pen in the pink color again and kept drawing. Her mood dropped every minute she waited for the slightly over-motivated, pink-haired person. 'C'mon... I can't concentrate without them, where is Mizuki?' Ena exhaled. Then she put her pen down and stretched.

"Enanan!!" A person suddenly said and Ena jumped. She didn't notice the sound of someone joining the vc on nightcord. It was Mizuki. "Hey, Amia! You're late." Ena said, annoyed but happy her friend finally joined. "Yeahhhh sorry, I got caught up in something haha. What are you doing? Ah, and I saw the pic you posted on Instagram earlier! You wore the dress I made for you again but didn't credit meeee. That's really mean you know?" Mizuki said in a playfully mean voice, silently giggling.

"Come on Amia, everyone knows that you redesign my clothes sometimes. Also, I'm still working on some of the sprites for the music video so would you like to check it out?"

"Mhm, I'll gladly do that hehe," Mizuki answered. Ena quickly send over the sprites she was sketching and Mizuki instantly opened them. They were pleased by the progress of their best friend. 'We are best friends... right?' Mizuki thought to themself. They were still very insecure even after they told their group about their insecurities. They sighed.

"Something wrong Amia?" Ena asked concerned. Amia. Something in Mizuki's heart started to sting. Why did it feel so wrong? "Uhm... no, nothing's wrong don't worry Ena haha..." Mizuki facepalmed in their mind. Ena was so not gonna believe that.

"Amia you can't fool me, there's definitely something wrong." Ena started to get really worried. What was bothering Mizuki so much? They seemed really happy when they joined just a few minutes ago.

Mizuki froze. There was something in Ena's voice that felt so familiar. So warm. Tears started to form in their eyes. "I..."

"Hey, c'mon Amia, you know I'm here for you and I'll never ever leave you. You're my best friend after all." Ena tried to comfort Mizuki but she felt like it didn't really work out. She sighed and put away her pens and closed the little paint boxes.

"I... I know but..." Mizuki tried to hold back the tears. "Do you want a hug?" Ena blurted out. "...What?" Mizuki was confused, did they understand right what Ena just said? "Do... Do you want a hug? Like right now? We could meet in Sekai. If- If you want of course." Ena felt her cheeks heat up. This was so not like her. But she liked Mizuki a lot. And she really wanted them to feel better, she can't see them sad. That would be too much for her heart.

"Sure, I would appreciate that..." Deep inside, something felt warm. Mizuki just needed Ena to be there. To be theirs. Friends. Just best friends. Was not enough anymore. They knew that they loved Ena. More than just with their whole heart. But with their whole soul, life and existence.

"Then let's meet in Sekai," Ena said, confirming her choice. "But... isn't it too late for you?" Mizuki asked, hesitating. "Aw come on, we went to Sekai to save Yuki how many times at... I don't know, 4 am? I don't mind spending time with you at this time, you know?" Ena rolled her eyes. That Mizuki. Always so smug but is asking if it's really okay to meet in Sekai when it's 4 am.

"I'll wait for you there." Ena logged off and started untitled.

Only moments later, she was in Sekai. The grey and almost empty world started to change little by little. She remembered the day when Mizuki and Rin found a really beautiful cherry tree. They immediately called for the others to show them the beautiful sight. Not only was it super pretty, but it was also warm. It felt so warm just sitting underneath the tree, admiring the cherry blossoms that would never stop blooming.

"I'm here Ena..." Ena turned around to see Mizuki. Their hair was a bit messy and their eyes were slightly red and puffy but they looked so sweet. "Amia, it's good to see you," Ena gave them a soft smile. Mizuki tried to smile back but it didn't quite work out. "Come here," Ena softly said and Mizuki quickly walked over to her.

Ena embraced Mizuki and they have never felt so loved before. It's been a long time since they got a warm, sincere hug. "I'm always here for you Amia..." "Mizuki... It's Mizuki... We're best friends, right...?" "Of course Mizuki."

And so they stood there. Ena gently brushed over Mizuki's back, just enjoying the hug and trying to comfort them. "I'll always be there if you need me, I promise," Ena whispered. "Thank you so much, Ena. You mean the world to me," Mizuki whispered back.

After maybe 5 minutes Mizuki gently pushed Ena away to wipe away the tears that escaped their eyes. "Let's go to the cherry tree and cuddle, okay?" Mizuki asked shyly, looking to the ground. "Yeah, let's go," Ena answered and took Mizuki's hand.

They walked in silence. But it wasn't an awkward kind of silence, it was comfortable.

When they reached the cherry tree, Ena sat down and pat to her lap. Mizuki put their head on her lap and closed their eyes. Ena just smiled at their peaceful expression and started to play with their hair. Mizuki's breathing calmed down and Ena thought they fell asleep.

"Haha... you look so cute when you're asleep. I hope you don't have nightmares. I really wanna tell you that I love you, you know? But I'm scared... Of getting rejected. Maybe one day..." Ena mumbled.

"Hehe, I love you too Ena~" Mizuki whispered back. "Y-You're awake!?" Ena's face got really red and Mizuki turned their head to look at her. "Yes I am, I love you so much. You mean the world to me!" "I love you too, Mizuki," Ena smiled, her face still bright red. Mizuki also started to blush but they were too happy to care.

"So... what were you upset about earlier? If you want to tell you of course," Ena wanted to know. "It's just... you calling me Amia after everything we've been through, it hurts. And I was scared that were not really friends you know..." Mizuki started to mumble because they felt silly after the confession.

"Oh Mizuki, I'm so sorry, I thought that you wanted me to keep calling you Amia. And never ever think that were not friends. Because we are. I mean, I love you, we could even be more than friends if you're okay with that. I mean, I don't know if you'd even want to be in a relationship with a girl so-" while Ena kept on rambling, Mizuki got up and sat on Ena's lap.

"Shut up, that's enough." And with that, Mizuki lifted Ena's chin a little and cupped her face. "Can I?" Mizuki asked, Ena just nodded. "Say it please~" "Yes, y-you can." Ena's face turned even redder. Mizuki closed their eyes and got closer. Then they locked lips with the girl they loved so much. Ena's lips felt so soft and they were melting into the kiss. Ena put her hands around Mizuki's neck, pulling them even closer. Ena could taste the cherry chapstick Mizuki always told her about and she never wanted to let go. But they shortly run out of air, so they broke the kiss to breathe.

Only to lock their lips once again. And this time Ena was way needier than before. She opened her mouth slightly to lick over Mizuki's lips. Mizuki started to smile into the kiss and opened their mouth as well. Then they gently licked over Ena's lips and tried to enter her mouth. Ena let them and after a few minutes of making out, they stopped because even though they stopped every time to catch their breath for a second, they were exhausted.

"That was... So good. Mizuki I love you so much." Ena smiled and tears of joy formed in her eyes. "Aww, Ena I love you too. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Mizuki also smiled and Ena nodded, "I'd love to!" Then she started crying because she couldn't hold back anymore. She was so happy that the person she had liked, not loved, for months is finally hers. "Can we stay like this for a while?" Ena asked while Mizuki held her tight. "Of course, cutie." Ena started to blush even more. "Thank you..."

And so they fell asleep under the cherry tree.

Rin found them there at 8 in the morning but decided to let them sleep because they looked exhausted. Instead, she decided to tell Luka. Maybe something would change again in this Sekai. Maybe this Sekai would soon be full of happy thoughts. Maybe the key to saving Mafuyu was near. Maybe Kanade would find her true feelings too. Maybe.

Hi :)
I love Mizuena so take it and eat it up :p
U can request something if you want but don't expect too much :D

-Viv <they/xe>

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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