Chapter 40

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Grace left the magazine she was reading over a table and stood up, she walked to the door where her doctor was waiting for her with a smile on her face.  She was a woman in her forties, elegant, and attractive.  Always dressed in a very conservative way.

Grace followed her through the hall, the hall led to different doors, it had some paintings on the walls.  Grace never liked those paintings because she couldn't understand them.  One of them only had something like lines in diferent colors, they were ugly and dull according to Grace who followed her doctor to the last door on the left.  They went in, the doctor closed the door, and the doctor invited her to sit down first, then she sat down too.

It was a small office with two little windows close to the roof, the windows had vertical curtains in gray, they had a boring view to the parking lot, the walls were in yellow, a light tone of yellow, there was a small plant in a corner, a desk in the middle, a chair for the patient, and some books on a shelf; it was a very boring office.

The doctor took her notebook and a pen, she crossed her leg, then she looked at Grace and smiled to her.

"Good morning, Grace. How are you today?"

Grace bit her lower lip, she usually did that when something was worrying her.  And her doctor knew that, of course.

"Is something wrong, Grace?"

Grace shook her head.

"I'm okay, I guess..." Grace sighed.  "I'm having some problems with dad..."

"I see.  Could you be more specific, Grace?  Would you like to talk about it?"

Grace nodded.

"He...  He said that I had to stop my friendship with my best friend, Nicole and another girl, Abby, because he said that they are a bad influence for me because Nicole and Abby are gay.  He wants me to find some new friends and I don't want to do that, I think it's not fair, so I said no and he blackmailed Nicole.  He has a video of her and Abby kissing and apparently doing some other things and he said that he will show the video to her parents if she doesn't end our friendship...  She is so scared.  You know that she is my best friend..."

"Yes, I know.  What did you do?"

"I lied to him, at least, for now, because I don't know what else to do.  I had to lie, even when I hate lies.  I made him believe that I end my friendship with them thinking that maybe he would leave us alone and that this was the best I could do, at least, for now.  Please, don't tell him that I told you about this, okay?  I want to move out of the house, I found a place for me that I could afford, but he said that we should talk to you first and see if I'm really ready to live alone...  I need your help, as you can see, if you say to him that I can't live alone..."

"I see.  What I think is that you are an adult, Grace, and it's none of his business who you are friends with.  He doesn't have the right to forbid you anything because you are an adult.  I'm very surprise by your father behavior.  And about living alone...  Do you really think that you could do that?  Are you feeling ready to live alone, Grace?"

"Yes, I'm ready.  And I've felt better."

"Have you thought about hurting yourself recently, Grace?"


"Is there something else that you would like to discuss with me?"

"Well, now that you mention it...  I...  I have a girlfriend now..."

"Really?  Congratulations.  And are you happy with that?"

"Yes, and everything is going very well.  My father doesn't know about this, of course, because he really hates gay people, so don't mention it to him, please.  I don't want to tell him yet.  Only my brothers know that I'm gay, and that I have a girlfriend, but they don't know who she is."

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