Chapter 6

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A blonde waitress approached to their table to take Julia's order.  She ordered just a tuna sandwich and a lemon ice tea.  The waitress looked at Julia in a flirty way that made Grace feel really upset, especially because Julia seemed to be pleased with it.  What kind of woman was this Julia?  Grace frowned with jealousy.

Julia looked at her again when the waitress was gone.  Grace seemed upset and uncomfortable for some reason.  Julia decided to make her smile no matter what.  She really loved her cute, innocent smile.

"You know?  You look very pretty when you smile.  You should do it more often.  I would love to see you smile for me right now.  Could you do that for me, please?"  She used a tone of voice that gave Grace goose bumps and made her heart beat faster.  For some odd reason Grace felt like smiling for Julia suddenly, after all, Julia was looking at her in a very sweet way that made her heart melt and her cheeks felt warm.  Julia's lips were forming a smile, a very sexy smile just for Grace, it was an exciting moment for Grace.  Grace just smiled, she smiled because Julia said she loved her smile, and that made Grace feel very happy.  "Much better.  Thanks.  By the way, my clothes looks really nice on you."

Grace blushed looking at her shirt and cardigan.

"Thanks.  The shirt is a bit tight, but I don't mind, it's a beautiful shirt."

"Do you like it, really?  You can keep it then, if you want.  I don't mind."

"Really?  Thanks, that's very generous of you."  Grace knew the shirt was expensive.

"You're welcome.  Tell me, how was your day?"

"It was good, I guess.  What about you?"

"Oh, I had a wonderful day today.  A bit busy at the clinic, but it was a great day.  I really enjoyed your company at lunch, it was very nice.  And I'm having a good time now with you."

"Really?  Thanks, me too.  I really enjoy your company."

The waitress brought the food to their table.  Grace was serious again.  The waitress flirty smiled at Julia.  Grace really couldn't stand that woman.

"Bon appetite," Julia said smiling, then she drank a sip of her lemon ice tea.

"Did you go to your home after you left me in the library?"  Grace noticed that Julia was wearing different clothes.

Julia nodded giving a bite to her sandwich.

"Do you always eat dinner outside?"

"I live alone, so I go outside sometimes and have dinner, then I go to watch a movie or go for a walk or visit my gradma...  Then I go home.  Sometimes is good to be alone, but sometimes you need to be surrounded by people, you know."

"I understand.  Do you live far?"

"No, it's not so far from here.  Why?  Are you curious to see where I live?"

Grace blushed.

"You blushed!  That means yes."  Julia giggled.  "You look so beautiful that way.  I'll take you to see where I live one of these days.  Don't worry, it's a promise."

Grace smiled.

"Do you live in an apartment or in a house?"

"A house, it was a gift from my grandma.  She has always been very generous to me, I think I'm her favorite."

Grace giggled.

"Do you have a grandmother, Grace?"

"Yes.  I have two, but I don't have with them the same relationship that you seem to have with your grandmother."

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