Chapter 4 : appetite

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"I still need some lantern oil," Hazel thought. "Maybe I can get some from a shop or maybe," getting caught off guard Hazel was met with a small puff of smoke. "Pumpkin? What are you doing here?" Pumpkin merely warbled in response. "Well either way how did you even find me"? Looking around, Hazel noticed the smell of cooked fish. "Oh so that's why you're here you want food". Letting out a small sigh Hazel touched Pumpkins snout it felt smooth and cold. "We should get you back home. Come on now Pumpkin".

Walking Pumpkin through the town, Hazel began noticing people looking at Pumpkin, then at her, and then back again at Pumpkin. Some people glared at them in a disapproving way. Others just looked on and didn't say anything. "Maybe we should hurry up Pumpkin. I don't think people are too happy to see you," giving a nod in response they both picked up the pace. Walking to the outskirts of town they saw their home. Walking closer they saw father talking to a large man, as they got closer they could hear that it was more of an argument than a discussion. The large man then turned around and began to walk back to town, seeing Hazel and Pumpkin he just glared at them as he passed.

"Who was that papa?" Hazel asked, "No one Hazel, just someone thought that Pumpkin ate some chickens and came to complain." "Oh, well that's not good." " It's not, most people think that Pumpkin and his monstrous appetite are responsible for animals and crops going missing." "It's not him though!" "I know that Hazel, but the rest of the town doesn't." 

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