Chapter 5 : dinner

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"I'm home." Hazel's mother said, "With these ingredients dinner will be almost done." "Thank you dear," Hazel's father replied with a smile.

"I'm going to play with Pumpkin before supper." Hazel said " ok Hazel have fun," her father replied. Walking out the door, Hazel could smell the smoke from the chimney while the crisp wind brushed across her face and the setting sun gave off a comforting glow. "Time to put my plan into action," Hazel thought. Walking towards the shed Hazel gathered her things and began to head towards the wall. The wall loomed over her casting an enormous shadow that was being further stretched by the setting sun. Taking a deep breath in Hazel began to clamber up the wall using the jagged cobblestone as steps until finally reaching the top.

Grabbing the rope she was carrying Hazel tied it to a point on the cobble stone wall and began stumbling down the other side. Landing with a small thump Hazel freed the rope and took it. Dashing off into the forest Hazel looked around the dark forest searching for where she left off. Darting between trees and rocks, Hazel turned back to see where she came from, to get her bearings. Glancing back, Hazel saw the large wall with dancing orange lights, patrolling the top of the wall to search for beasts of all sorts.

Turning away from the place Hazel knew, she looked on into the dimly lit forest and peered into it, looking for a way forward. Through the trees, rocks and bushes that lie scattered throughout the forest Hazel saw a small trail. Overgrown as it may be she pressed onward into the unknown.

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