My Identity.

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"My conscience was forcing me to come here."

A voice echoed behind me, as I turned around and looked backward I found a familiar man standing there with a confused look, wanting so many answers from me. Answers of the questions he asked to himself. Answers that will satisfy his soul. Answers about me.

Without wasting any second, I ran towards him and I hid myself in his broad chest. I don't want to utter any word. I need peace. The peace for which he came here. I want his comfort. I want him. I tightened my grip on his torso. He never flinched or I can say he was freezed. His hands were up in air holding my favourite stress reliever- Icecream. As if he knew, he will find me exactly here; and I would be in need of my stress reliever. He quickly placed Icecream aside, and he wrapped his arms around me. His hand started caressing my hairs gently.

"What happened?" He said in a soft voice, and I burried myself more deeper in his chest.

"Look at me Pippo." He said and I quickly snapped my head up to meet his worried eyes.

"Hmm?" I asked him, while straight looking into his eyes.

"Hmm, what hmm? How many times I told you not to sit on that wall. For God sake don't do that again. But, by any chance, if something happens to you-"

"Then?" I said in middle of his concerned words. Why Eunwoo treats me as if I am a piece of glass? He should not be this much caring. But this boy, never listens to me. I am a brave women and I know what is good and what is bad for me.

" whom I'll tickle?" He said and started tickling my small stomach not to mention he was poking my cheeks too. I know he do all these things, only to make me smile. I know.

"C'mon Eunwoo." I said and ran away from this muscular bull.

"Okay, let's come to the point." He said in a serious tone. And I know he wants only one thing-answers. I also knew that he'll not question me, because his eyes are doing it from the moment he came. And I'll be honest to him. I'll spill everything, which is gathered in my heart.


Thats difficult.

"Tears?" Eunwoo asked and grabbed my wrist, in order to make us sit down. He opened Icecream cup and handed me.

"Tae" I replied.

"He came to you?" He asked in a angry tone. "You met him?" He said and I nodded.

"What you did Pippo?" He asked, rudely.

"I tried my best to resist him."

But I wasn't successful Woo. He left a strong impact on my brain along with my heart. And Jimin is another sinner who kissed me.

"I'll beat him, he made you cry. If I found him again troubling you, I'll kill him. Wait! Why should I wait for a good deed? I'll hire my officers right now to find that fucker."

He said in rage. Eunwoo becomes completely a different person when it comes to discussion about Tae. And also, when he comes to know that someone hurted me. His Pippo.

"No Woo, you should be practical." I said and placed my hand on his shoulder as I pushed a spoon filled with Icecream in his mouth.

"No, he made your tears to escape from your prison, once again. I can't let him go easily. Atleast not this time, Pippo." He said. He is right. But we should always think about pros and cons before taking any decision.

"He asked me to meet him. And I am sure he'll meet me today." I said and he nodded.

"Smarty pants." He said.

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