Chapter 10

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Scarlett's POV

As I laid in bed, snuggling in my soft warm blankets, I couldn't keep off the idiotic smile on my lips.

It had been a very eventful, action-packed day. 

I had met with Zayn after six months from our first encounter.

We had made out on the men's bathroom in the airport.

I almost got Paul to unleash his wrath on me.

I sneaked inside a hotel surrounded by screaming fans.

I (probably) broke Olympic records to avoid getting caught in Paul's clutches.

Louis caught me and Zayn in a very heated moment (which was very embarrassing by the way).

I freaked out when my best friend fainted.

I went out for a very romantic stroll around town with the bad boy who stole my heart. 

Oh my God, he's my boyfriend now!

I am Zayn Malik's girlfriend.

Fans were probably going to hate me... no matter what Zayn says or thinks about them loving me because I make him happy or because I'm "one of them".

I know for a fact that a lot of them don't give a shit if I'm a fan too or if I make him happy. They will hate me just because he wants me, and not them.

Great. (Sarcasm present)

Maybe I didn't think this one through. 

Well... I have a good reason... Zayn is a very good distraction and his wicked lips are too.

All negatives thoughts vanished as soon as I heard a beeping sound announcing I have a new text message.

"Can't sleep... thinking about you <3 - Zayn".

As soon as I finished reading that one I got a second one.

"The moon and the stars won't be enough anymore; not when I've already met your bright blue eyes. Everything will always be pale in comparison. -Zayn"

Then a third one got in.

"Hope you dream about me ;) -Zayn" 

My heart started racing at his typed words and I felt myself blushing.

I decided to answer all of his messages one by one.

The first one, "Not sleeping. Thinking about you too- Scarlett"

The second one, "Your smile brightens my day, therefore darkness will never rule my world as long as you're with me :) -Scarlett"

and the third one, "I'm sure I WILL dream of you, the question is, what exactly will I dream? ;) - Scarlett".

I grinned at myself and put my head on my pillow while I waited for his answer. 

A minute later my phone beeped again.

"You're killing me. Wish you were here with me... or I was with you. How big is your bed? :P -Zayn"

"Wouldn't you like to know ;P - Scarlett"

"Oh I do. Please tell me? :( - Zayn"

"I guess you'll have to find out for yourself... someday ;D - Scarlett"

"Sounds good to me :) - Zayn"

I didn't know what else to say, so I didn't answer but a few minutes later I got another message.

"Scarlett... I think I love you.... -Zayn"

I started screaming and freaking out, re-reading the message over and over again. Then I remembered I hadn't answered.

"I think I love you too <3 -Scarlett"

"I know ;) I'm letting you get your beauty sleep now. Goodnight :) -Zayn"

"You are so full of yourself. And are you sure you want ME to get beauty sleep or are you worried about YOUR beauty sleep? haha xD Goodnight :P -Scarlett"

"haha you're funny :) -Zayn"

"I know :P Sweet dreams- Scarlett"

"Likewise xx- Zayn".

I laid down again, but the butterflies in my stomach prevented any sleep. I didn't mind though, I was the happiest mofo out there and no one would spoil that.

Or would they? and who is they?

I was soon to find out.

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