Freddie's Last Fright.

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"Where are we going on Halloween, guys?"

"You know that old cinema on Gordon Street? Well we should go there, what y'all think?"

"Cool. Sounds spooky."

The group walked to the cinema as it wasn't far from their apartment they shared. They climbed through a broken window, with torches. Leticia exclaimed on how untouched the one hundred year old building looked. Paul made his way towards the projection room, it was like it was when it was being used. The building had been declared unsafe due to asbestos. The group decided on a movie and found Nightmare on Elm Street. Paul knew how to use the equipment, he put it on and they made their way to the auditorium. The group sit down as the movie played. Suddenly noises started happening from behind the screen.

The group brushed it off as animals or rats. There was a large crash and Freddie jumped out of the screen. The friends assumed it was 3D but none were wearing 3D glasses. Terrified, everyone of them tripped over each other as Freddie ran up the aisle towards them. Greg fell and couldn't get up, he had injured himself on a step, no one came back for him. Freddie stalked them all, each hiding in separate places. Paul shouted out for Greg, he didn't answer but gave himself away, Freddie had him too. Silence again, there was just Leticia and James. The pair scrambled to get out of the building. Whilst outside Leticia and James were shouting for their friends but it was futile, there was no responses.

Leticia called the police and told them that Freddie Krueger has their friends at the old abandoned cinema. The dispatcher laughed and hung up the phone. James decided he would go back in, he would be quiet and sneak around to see if his friends were ok? The spot where Greg fell he was gone, he looked at where Paul had hidden, he too was gone. James could hear footsteps, he hid, not realising that Freddie was behind him. Freddie took James too. All three were tied up in the old popcorn and food court. Freddie had marked them all.

Leticia now on her own, she called the police again, the lady told her to stay calm help was on the way. The police arrived, all of them went inside and none of them could be found. The police came out and gave Leticia a warning for prank calls. Leticia told them it wasn't a prank at all. Leticia decided on calling a friend to come and look for their friends in the cinema. The friend Lorna sort of laughed but she said she would come anyway. Waiting patiently on Lorna, she was tempted to go inside to look.

Lorna finally arrived and they both went inside. The footsteps came up behind them and they too were grabbed by Freddie. They were taken to a room in the basement where all of them were tied up and had Freddie's marks on their faces. Freddie was forcefully putting the ropes around the girls wrists. Lorna recognised a scent, a man's cologne, was it from the boys? Frightened they sat down and they could see the boys shaking.

Freddie walked away, he came back and took off his mask. The group of friends looked up and they couldn't see his face. He stood in the shadows he spoke in the same tone as Freddie. The friends all terrified, Greg wet himself. Freddie giggled, James stood up.

"Wait a minute, I know that voice. Come into the light."

"In your dreams."

"Michael is that you?"

Leticia recognises the voice or in her fear she believed she did. The friends noticed anger surfacing from Greg because he wet himself. They then heard a running of feet. As the they heard the feet running off, other hard stomping feet came towards them. It was the police. They shone their torches in the faces of the terrified friends. The police were horrified to see scratches on the faces of the young friends. The police asked?

"What happened y'all's faces?"

"It was Freddie." They echoed.

"Freddie who?" Asked one of the officers.

"It was Krueger man, he was just here. Didn't you see him?"

"No kid. We heard there was trouble around here from dispatch. Why is your pants wet young man?"

"Freddie tied me up, he ran his scissor hands down all our faces, it was scary man."

The police officer couldn't help himself, he burst out laughing. The colleague nudging him. The police officer asked?

"Where did this Freddie come from?"

"From the screen man, y'all gonna untie us? It's full of asbestos in here man."

The police officer began untying the friends.  They led them outside, the officer noticed how the scratches weren't scratches at all, just red marks and fake blood. The officer became confused, he asked why the girls didn't have marks on their faces? Lorna and Leticia looked at each other and began laughing. The officer asked why were they laughing?

"It was a prank man. My brother was Freddy. We set it up."

"Yo, Leticia. You knew? Michael came up with it."

"Well girls, y'all be laughing down at the station for trespassing, kidnapping and prank calls."

The officers began reading Leticia and Lorna their rights. They were crying in the back of the police cars. The lads were laughing. Michael was across the street laughing too.

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