Death Unprecedented

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Trigger Warning: death and blood

Fergana was practicing sword fighting with Khan Baba, as his sister watched from her bedroom window right above. Khanzada imitated his movements, she wished she could learn sword fighting like her brother could but alas she wasn't allowed to. Fergana on the other hand, did not like sword fighting whatsoever. He believed everyone had a right to live, a right to be equal. He wished he could spend his time playing with bunnies and baby deers rather than practicing ways to eliminate his nemesis. But traditions and Aisan wouldn't let him.

He didn't appreciate his grandmother's strictness, he wished she could be a bit more lenient and let him and his sister live their lives the way they want to. In reversed roles, is how they live now. Speaking of Aisan, she walked with Umar. They discussed the itching conflict with Samarkhand, slowly walking up to where Fergana was practicing. They stopped to see him, for a moment Fergana glanced at them.

The other moment, his sword was flying out of his hand. Aisan shot him a glare, 'Is this what you've learnt all these years? To fail? We don't need another weak ruler.'

Fergana knew she referred to Umar being a weak ruler, it made him angry. He didn't appreciate the way she treated his father. Best he could do was stay silent, arguing with her would be a waste of time. He picked up his sword and positioned himself, going back to practicing. Umar and Aisan walked past Fergana and Khan Baba onto the balcony, where pigeons ate seeds thrown for them. Fergana tried harder this time, inches away from winning. In the end Khan Baba still managed to win. 'How do you always win?' Fergana asked, half in awe and half enraged of loosing again. Khanzada came down and saw it, smiling to herself on her brother's lose.

Fergana felt his feet shake suddenly, Khanzada's smile disappeared as she began to panick. It was an earthquake. Umar and Aisan saw the ground below them crack, as the pigeons flew away. Umar tried pushing Aisan to safer grounds, but before he could the floor collapsed. 'Abbu!' The siblings yelled, Khan Baba running ahead to grab the king's hand and save Umar and Aisan. Fergana followed, Khanzada stayed put as she was frozen out of terror. Aisan hung onto the remaining floor, holding Umar's hand as what was below them was now a valley. 'Daulat! Please give me your hand, I must pull you up and save Sire as well!' Khan Baba exclaimed. Aisan could barely hold on, she looked down at Umar who was injured and bleeding. 'Abbu!' Fergana yelled, tears in his eyes. Aisan looked back up, staring into Fergana's baby blue eyes as she began to cry.


Khanzada regained her ability to move the moment she heard both her brother and father yell. Two had falled and hung onto a cliff, only one survived. Umar was dead and everything would be hell now.

The news spread alike a cotton cloth burning. The people mourned their former king, while Aisan's blood filled veins were replaced with ice. She watched as Qutlugh and the two children cried together, but only paid attention to Fergana who was crying the most. She considered it foolish for a new king to be crying this badly, but spoke not a word. She knew Samarkhand would be happiest to take on another kingdom, Aisan knew a king would have to be older than fourteen but what choice did she have? A non-Royal cannot be king. Even if the kingdom's wellness resided in the hands of a fourteen year old, she was willing to do the coronation the same night. She began to quickly walk over to the three. Grabbing Fergana tightly by his arm, 'Shush boy, you're crowned king tonight and here you try like a child'.

The words shocked Qutlugh and Khanzada. Khanzada was not one to let anyone—not even family—treat her brother with such attitude. Qutlugh didn't allow her to speak, knowing her mother's nature well enough. 'I-I can't please-' Fergana spoke, still teary eyed. 'You are the heir now you shall rule, negate it any more and the family will be overthrown by Samarkhand.' Fergana was scared at the mere thought of any injury to his family, gaining the thought he'd be forced to become king now. He wished he could hand the throne to his older sister, who was much more qualified for such ruling as his grandmother required. But traditions wouldn't allow, he would have to bear the heavy burden of the crown.  The burden that outweighed his own body, much more than enough to crush him and his free spirited nature to bits, now being placed onto him faster than he could ever comprehend.

And yet, his father's funeral hadn't even been planned. That's what stung more, not having to be a kingdom. He looked at Aisan with much of a pitiful face, wishing it would be enough for her to have some sympathy. She still lacked it, harshly pushing his arm away and walking off to talk to Khan baba. Presumably about Fergana's coronation, he'd have to kiss goodbye to his real name for good now. Now he had to 'man up' into someone he could never be. He began crying again at the reality he had to live in now, Khanzada immediately reaching closer to hug him. She knew the last thing he was meant to be was king, he's far too emotional and free spirited for that. But now he was. At just fourteen. Aisan could be cruel if she wanted to be, even towards her own family. She had just shown them why no one ever tried to get close to her. No one tried understanding her, for there was nothing to understand about her except her coldness.

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