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Please do note I am not including the entire family line of India, I am justice starting from her father and into the present time.

Warning: this contains sensitive topics and was written by me and my brothers a few months ago(only the backstory of Mughal)

Mughal gained an eating disorder a short while after coming in India due to the cultural shock(Indian culture being too alien like to him) and was horribly sick due to difference in climate. (Coughing up blood constantly). To the point he would cry while eating anything.

Crying nearly every night cause he misses his homeland, feeling lonely and then feeling out of place. Having to go on military actions too often because Indian rulers wouldn't accept him, feeling even more out of place and alienated.

Taking up drinking and opium to soothe his sorrows. Then by the time he was becoming happy about India becoming his new home, he was being forced to exile and leave. He was homeless in Sindh before going to Kabul, trying to come back but failing then having to escape to Persia.

Feeling overwhelmed by another cultural difference in Persia, again gaining an eating disorder and barely enjoying the luxury there. Then returning and glad to finally be home in India, fully accepting it as his new homeland.

But still, even when in India he had several suicidal thoughts and even attempted suicide once. Some overly emotional poems brought him to tears, no one ever thought of asking him if he was alright or needed any help. Reality is that all the trauma he faced made him disturbed internally, which would be shown later on.

Getting injured by falling on his library stairs, getting badly sick again and then feeling lonely all over again. Then the second battle of Panipat. Amber, a local kingdom, got a chance to see him and she instantly fell in love with him due to his muscular build and pretty face. Mughal was having to take Amber's hand in marriage for the sake of political alliance although he didn't love her or like her that much at first.

Slowly Mughal began to fall in love with Amber, and eventually, he experienced his first ever happiness that was genuine and real when Amber was pregnant. He swore to love and cherish their baby, make sure they're always safe and happy no matter what happened.

He was absolutely overjoyed when his first baby, Hindustan(India) was born. He loved her more than anything and spoiled her rotten. Hind was a wild child who made everyone very clear on how she was feeling, refused to do what she didn't like and had everything her way. She was immediately extremely attached to Mughal and practically wouldn't survive a moment without him. He couldn't survive without her either. She'd cry and run around searching for Mughal whenever he'd be working or not in the same room as him. He considered her to be the biggest blessing in his life, ever since she was born Mughal had been the most fortunate man on earth.

(A skit my brother wrote, the context is that when the Emperors would travel they wouldn't take their children along even if it was safe. But Mughal insisted on keeping his daughter with him at all times.)

"What do you see?"

"Shahdokht Hindustan"(princess)

"That's a rank, you can't see a rank"

"Then, I see a baby girl"

"Asleep or awake?"


"Angry or calm?"


"Ugly or beautiful?"


"It's just a question, nothing to be scared of. Is the baby ugly?"


"Then it's clear she's the opposite of ugly, she's beautiful and she's the most perfect being to ever exist and you think I'm going to spend a second away from her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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