Calum (4 months)

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This one goes out to all them Hood girls
Your P.O.V
"Calum please come here!" You yelled to Calum to come to the front door.
"What do you want (y/n)?"
"Luke is here to see you" you say quietly
"(Y/n). Baby what's wrong?"
"Nothing, just go talk to.. just go talk to luke." You say fighting back tears. Calum gives you a hug and walks to the door.

Calum ' P.O.V
"Whats up luke?"
"Calum we are leaving soon."
"What do you mean we just got back."
"We got back to weeks ago."
"What?! It's been two weeks already? It feels like two days!"
"I know Calum. We're all bummed."
"Will the management let us bring someone?"
"Calum I have already tried. They won't let us bring anyone with us."
"Okay." Calum said with a sad face. "I have to break the news to (y/n)."
"Calum she already knows."
"When she answered the door I told her."
"Okay. I have to go talk to her. Thank you for the heads up."
"No problem. See you soon Cal pal." Alum walks back inside slowly. He hears muffled sounds coming from up stairs.

Your P.O.V
Yh hear Calum come back inside the house. You try to muffle your cries but it didn't work. Because a couple seconds later Calum was by your side giving you a hug. "(Y/n), Iys going to be fine.:
"Calum it sucks. You go a way for so long and I'm stuck here all alone with nothing to do or on one to talk to"
"I know baby. I am Lonely to."
"You shouldn't be. You have three brothers with yoh and I'm stuck here."
"It's okay. Let's get some rest and I will see you later. Okay?"
"Fine but when you leave don't wake me up. It's so much easier that way."
"Okay cupcake."

4 months later
You get up to a nicking on your door. When you aweser it one of the management people are standing at your door.
"Miss. (y/n) (y/l/n)?
"Yes? That's me."
"We need you to pack a bag. We are taking yoh to England for a while."
"Okay?" You say unsure what to do.

You run upstairs to pack a bag. When yo uh come downstairs the manager is standing waiting to take your bags. When you get into the car you see Luke's brother, Ashton's mum, Michael's mum in the car as well. "Where are we going?"
Luke's mom turns to you and says "were going to see our boys!!" A instant smile spread across your face. When you got to the stadium they were playing amnisia. When they played close as strangers you walked out onstage. The crowed started going nuts and Ashton started laughing until he saw is mum. He got up and ran to give her a hug. When the boys realized he had stopped playing they turned around to find the people they love. Calum saw you and he instantly set is bass down and ran to you. He picked you up and twirled you around. When he set you down he kisses you. When he pulled away and rested his forehead aginst yours.
You guys are probably really mad at me because I haven't updated in forever but here. This one was fun to write.

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