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In the process of taking the pen from Namjoon, the younger's fingers touched Seokjin's hand causing the other to draw his hand back, blushing furiously, the poor pen rolling off the desk and falling to the floor.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry."

"I'm so sorry."

They both leaned forward to grab the pen and—


Their foreheads slammed against each other's. They both shoot backwards with a cry that had the professor immediately demanding their attention.

"You two at the back! What's that you're doing? If this is your gay business going on here, kindly take it outside and not continue it in the class."

Gay business!?

Seokjin was sure his face had turned a hundred shades of red by then and one look at Namjoon clearly stated he wasn't doing any better.

The class burst into laughter.

"Gay business with the dork eh, Namjoon? Lowered your standards to that?" laughed a male infront of them.

Seokjin's heart clenched slightly.

Of course, he was the dork, the nerd of the class. Silly him for thinking he stood a chance with a jock like Namjoon.

Before Namjoon could say a word, the professor slammed the duster on the desk before he began coughing his lungs out, clearly having made a bad decision in doing so as the dust powder flew into the air and straight into his nostrils.

Serves him right, thought Seokjin bitterly.

To be continued

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