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"... Don't you think?"

The pale-skinned woman with delicate fragile features watched the blonde while being in his mindscape. Behind him was the one who was feared by every being, the Kyūbbi no Kitsune, Kurama.

Though he was nothing more than a mere insect in front of the woman, she was the mother of his father, Hogoromo. She was Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.

The woman pondered at the words of the blonde man in front of her. His left eye was missing while the right one showed the beautiful blue colour the blonde inherited with.

Along with his eyes, he was missing his arm while another one had a small black circle on the palm. She gave the man one last look who destroyed her every ideology, and made her question her actions, turning her into a new leaf.

The child gave her peace. "Why? Why now, you have lost everything, your Sharingan friend is lying dead due to chakra exhaustion, your wife died in your hand, I killed your twins and your newborn daughter then why. Why save me from darkness? Why save someone who has taken everything from you?"

He smiled, breaking her even more. "You were broken as well. Someone said to me once that I have the ability to save people from darkness. I save every one. How can I leave you, Baa-chan?"

Though she was not related to him by blood but his words arose feelings that she never felt. The boy was her salvation. She slowly moved forward causing Kurama to stand by mode. If she attacked, he will die but will not let anything happen to his younger brother like friend, Naruto.

Kurama has seen Naruto grow and he would not let anyone touch him until he is alive. He lived for him will be just an understatement. The pale woman embraced the boy as she muttered, "my child."

As Naruto felt the warmth, he slightly flinched as the feeling was now foreign to the blonde. The scenery vapourised with the horrifying field.

Blood was splattered everywhere with dead bodies lying everywhere. There were not even birds left to eat the rotting flesh. Smoke was clouding the sky making it hard to determine whether it was night or day.

In the blonde's hand was the lifeless body of his best friend, Uchiha Susuke. He looked at the saddened expression of the woman who conquered all. "It's alright Baa-chan. I am Nanadaime Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto. I had lived my life as I wanted and learned wisdom from my predecessors and successors both. I hold no grudge."

He coughed blood again as he realised he also can count his last breaths. He was in a battle without eating, sleeping or drinking for a week. The food storage was already destroyed two months ago leaving few to no food for the last living beings.

He himself was wondering how he managed to survive so long in a never-ending battle. He was about to say his last words to his tenant but the woman started glowing.

Naruto covered his right eye to save his last one to at least see the world before his departure to meet his Hinata. The woman turned into a ball of energy and entered Naruto as he started screaming in pain.

The pain was too much. Too much to handle. His body and mind went numb… 

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