Camp Cretaceous

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"Darcy!" Owen yells out while chasing me. "Get back here you don't have a choice; you're going to that camp!" I look behind me to see that he has catched up a little bit. "No way in hell I'm going to that stupid camp." I yelled out to him running away faster than before. 

Now you're probably wondering how this happened. Let's go to the beginning shall we.

Flash back~

I noticed Owen was being extra nice. Yeah, I know he is a kind person, but this was unusual. He didn't yell at me when I was trying to climb the tallest tree again and play fighting with blue. Owen didn't even want me to 'fight' a dinosaur he knows blue will never hurt me. 

I saw Owen by some crates, I walked over to him. Once he saw me, he said hi, but I didn't reply I just kept staring at him. I noticed Owen started sweating. "Is there something wrong?" He asked nervously. "Are you dying?" I questioned him tilting my head. 

"What! No, I'm not why did you even ask that."

Definitely suspicious he's never this nervous.... wait does he have a secret lover and he is trying to make me let my guard down than tell me. "Are you dating someone?" I blurted out. Owen had a shocked look on his face. "NO! I-... why even ask that." 

'I wonder why Owen it's because you didn't yell or scold me once today.' I thought sarcastically.

"Oh, because you're being suspicious, I thought it was pretty obvious." I told him. "Oh, so you did notice," He sweat dropped at me before placing his hands on my shoulders. 

"I need to tell you something." I looked at him. "Oh, that's the serious face," Is it something bad? I thought. "Okay let's go for a walk then." He nodded his agreeing with me. 

We started walking on a trail. "Okay so don't kill me please after I tell you this," My brother pleaded. It can't be this bad right. "You're going to camp cretaceous with six other campers."

Darcy stops walking instantly. She looked like she was processing the news Owen had given to her. "I'm not going to a camp with some strangers." Darcy said seriously to Owen. "Come on, just give it a try, you'll be gone for a week, it's not that long."

Darcy looked towards the forest. 'She's/I'm going to run for it.' Owen looked at her with a don't do it face. "Don't." Owen warned her. "I'm going to do it." After she said that she took off running.

Flash back over~

Now that's how we got into this situation. Once I was far away from him, I jumped onto a branch to the nearest tree and started climbing up as fast as I could. "Darcy, stop climbing that tree now!" Ah it looks like he finally catched up. I just flipped him off in response.

That's when she just realized she just messed up big time. 'Oh, I fucked up.' Darcy thought. "Darcy Grady!" Owen never says her full name, that's when she started freaking out. 

"Get down here now don't make me count to three." He told her while looking straight at her soul. Darcy shook her head in reply. 'I don't want to die today.' 

Owen started lifting three fingers. 

"One," He put one finger down. 

"Two." Darcy started climbing down the tree like her life depended on it. "OKAY! Stop, I'm coming down." She yelled at him. 

Once she was down Owen grabbed her hand and started dragging her to their house. "Woah, hey slow down." Darcy said.

"We can't, you're going to the camp today and we are already late." Owen told her in reply. "Wait a minute I'm going today, and you didn't bother to tell me a week earlier!" Owen nodded

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