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I entered the room with a sigh, breathy as I held back the tears.

And the years,

All the years I wanted to throw away.

I yearned desperately for the comfort of the apartment, or even better, my home.

This place was a prison.

Unwelcoming, their smiles faint with some other desire,

The desire to keep me on a leash.

Removing my gym clothes, and tossing them in the laundry bin, I walked into the washroom and turned on the shower. I touched the fall, hot and steamy, like my rage.

Stepping in, I let the water run down over my hair, watching it stream down my naked body. I rested my head on the wall, staring at my feet,

Triggering a set of images from when I was young, my feet now trickling with blood.

Finally, the tears ran, fleeting and merging with the water. Just as the blood swam around my feet.

My period.

Perhaps the riling of my hormones had influenced the churning, writhing emotions I was experiencing. Only partially, not completely. The pain I had was always there.

Once my shower was done, I dried myself and changed into some fresh underwear. I stared at myself in the mirror, eying the scars all over my body. All the years.

Then I gazed deep into my eyes, dark, a reminder of his eyes. Volkov's.

I punched my reflection, screaming with rage. Shards flew, several lingering in the sink, calling me.

Ignoring my bleeding hands, I rested my palms over the counter, staring down at my broken reflection. My gaze moved over each shard, noting their sharp edges.

And, with my weight now resting on my left hand, I caressed a piece with curiosity. It shone in front of me.

Knock Knock.

I dropped the shard into the sink in a startle, grabbed my gun from under my pillow, and rushed to the door, peeking through the peephole.

"Ms. Hunt?" the Charon started, "I've brought your belongings. The dog will be up in a moment."

I pursed my lips, lowering the gun, "just a moment," I called out, grabbing the complimentary set of pyjamas and tossing them on. Placing the gun on the small stand next to the door, I opened it, "I'll bring it in."

"The Manager has requested I lift the items, given your healing wound."

I felt the pang in my side, thanks to Volkov.

The Charon, his gaze lowering slowly to steal a glance at my hands, added: "perhaps I should call for the Doctor?"


My hands, crusting now with dried blood, but dripping still, rested at my sides as I moved to let the Charon in. He placed my items next to the dresser, glancing at the droplets of blood now on the floor, before waiting outside on the lookout for my girl.

After a minute or so, the elevator ding erupted in the hall, and out came a staff member with my girl on a leash.

She sniffed the floor curiously, trailing my scent no doubt, before finally lifting her head and sitting, staring at me with her tongue drooping happily from her mouth.

The Charon made a face, subtly, at the sight of an animal.

He was not well versed in caring for dogs, though I doubted he paid much attention to mine, given her good behaviour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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