𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬

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at around 7:20 on a friday i saw it. something i should've been used to by now.

his neck poured out with blood and his eyes fell to the back of his head. the thingy that holds the shower curtains had fell on him. it fell from the end, where there happened to be a sharp point, and ran across his neck. it was happening as i walked in and i dont know how the hell i let this happen again; im a fucking idiot i shouldve done something.


any singal fucking person i get to know.

fucking dies in some tragedy .

i felt my eyes become wet and i trembled.

it was like the time where she died.

it was like the time minn died.

| some time ago, 2018 (12 y/o) |

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| some time ago, 2018 (12 y/o) |

"hi~" minn called out too alatus, whom was sitting a few feet away at a street food stop.

"minn," he smiled "hello"

"you tryna treat me to sum'" minn nudged xiao over on the shoulder while smiling back at him and aitting down.

xiao sucked his teeth, "nahhh, yk im rly good. go ahead and buy yourself sum' babe"

"bruhhh your no good to me. yk a man should treat a lady" minn wined back out to him.

"r we in the 1980's orrr"

"stfu ik. i want free food"

"sucks ig, go order something"

"ya, i will. whats the cheapest thing here" minn and xiao both looked at the menu above them before xiao answered.

"471.86 JP¥ ramen."

"sweet" minn turned over to the server. "yo so can I get that 472 ramen"

"the chicken , pork, or beef" the server asked them.

"uh, chicken I guess"

"thats 884.73 yen"

"huh, well whats the cheapest option you got"

"the noodles and broth by itself"

"uh-" minn stopped herself before starting an argument and took a breath, "ill just get the chicken then"

"coming right up ma'am."

xiao sighed thru his lips and looked up at minn. "that seemed to take a while," he said while laughing a bit.

"ya well as you could obviously hear, this server wanted to give me straight up broth and plain ass noodles for the ramen unless I payed more for the chicken" minn complained.

"too bad" xiao sneered, "hows about I pay, ay?"

"rly u would your the best I love you sosossososososs much" she smiled ear to ear while batting her eyelids.

"is that a yes?"


"as long as you make it up" xiao looked back at minn smiling innocently.

minns face turned completely upside down,"theres always a downside with borrowing money with you isnt there"

"of course, you wouldnt want me to go broke would you"

"I wish you would." minn locked her arms and pouted.

"well, then I wouldnt be paying for food would I?"

"whatever bruh"

later, as they were talking over food they were laughing really hard, but soon minn started to turn pale.

they both stopped laughing.


"uh, minn?" xiaos face darkened. "are you ok, do you need some water or something? you look pale." minn couldn't answer, she tryed hard to breath but something blocked it.

"minn. minn breath" xiao hit her on the back, now standing. "please" his voice was low, trying his best to sound calm.

too late.

minn passed out. her head fell into her nearly empty bowl, her hair wet from the remians of the broth.


xiaos eyes bacame wet as he trembled.

xiao began to shout out to people around before whipping out his phone and calling 911.

|  liyue hospital |

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| liyue hospital |

at 7:20pm that day was when I saw her die. I stayed by her time the whole time we were at the hospital silently watching the heart monitor near her bed.

some time ago her parents came rushing in. they were sobbing until they looked at me.

"oh you. your minn's friend right?" they looked at eachother, then back at me. "did you see what happened? how did she die? was it you."

that last question lasted in my mind. who tf ask that type of question tho. technically if I was smarter, or maybe more agile, I would've been albe to do something. maybe it was me.

but of course I couldn't have done anything to prevent it from happening or I guess I could've. its a whole story builds over one and the other sequencing in order. but still.

"ya im her friend, I- um she choked on her food at this street stan."

"which stan. who was serving? do you know?"

"im sorry, I dont." I studdered out.

"thats ok son. we were reacting a bit." their voices were more calm

"no no its alright."

they went out to converse with the doctors. thats when the clock clicked, and turned to 7:20. her heart rate went down. it kept going flat, the bells rung and doctors rushed in pushing me out of the room. the whole time i was silent, I had nothing to say.

eventually I left, and I cryed my fucking eyes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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