part 3.5

841 17 0

3rd person pov

A/N:after rimuru absorbed veldora and velzard

Raphael: notice acquired more ultimate skills

Rimuru: what!!

Raphael: permission to speak

Rimuru: granted

Raphael:The New ultimate skills are Storm king veldora and ice queen velzard and I copied velzard two ultimate skills the envy king leviathan
And patience king gabriel

Rimuru:did you copied her ultimate skills without her permission

Raphael: yes


Raphael: and I evolve them into Devine ice king Cthulhu

A/N: the Devine ice king Cthulhu will Evolve into Devine ice god Cthulhu

Rimuru:oh good

A/N:this is the end I know it's short but I'll try to make it longer than this and good bye

rimuru (renicarnation of veldanava) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now