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If there was one thing Maeve thought she would gain form moving to Orson, it was not a boyfriend. Not a clingy, confident and golden-retriever type like Axl especially.

Maeve always thought she would eventually have a sensible partner, one like her that she could relate to. But now that she has Axl she couldn't ask for anyone better.

He was fun, he made her feel free and without attachments. When she was with him it was just them. No shitty mum to get angry over, no little brother and dad to worry about, no school and growing friendships to stress over, just them.

It had been 3 months since Axl and her had their 'date' in the coffee shop. 3 months since she had been his girlfriend. It was pure bliss.

Maeve didn't know if this was the 'honeymoon period' like people always talked about, the stage in the relationship where it was just them against the world.

She had read in a book about how people used to call this stage the 'lavender haze'. She thought this was beautiful, and she couldn't get over the certain eloquence to the words.

All she knew, is that she wanted to stay in the lavender haze forever.


"Maeve!" he shouted, seeing her walking through the halls. She had a lavender notebook in her hands, as well as her green file.

He watched as she turned her head to meet his gaze and he saw the way her eyes lit up. He loved that look.

He loved the look in her eyes when she saw him, the way she smiled at her paintings and books that he could never dream of understanding the deep meaning behind them. He loved the way she cared for others. The way she put herself behind everyone else.

Although, that was something he was working on. She was selfless to a fault and would never dare ask for help even if it was life or death. Maybe that's just her being stubborn.

Either way, Axl loved it. He loved her- wait what?

"Hey Axl" She smiled, catching up to him as he stood frozen in the hallway at his thoughts.

"H-hey, hi" He stumbled over his words, not knowing what to think or do.

He loved her.

I love her

Maeve grabbed his hand and lead them towards the Maths room. How could she expect him to focus on maths after this?

ENCHANTED - Axl HeckWhere stories live. Discover now