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Tribe: Nikipiw
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Spy
Bio: Alejandro is one of the best fighters in his tribe, and even one of the best across the districts. He has a way of tricking people, and is often sent out for spy missions, because of his great disguises. He is also frequently sent out for battles on the field, and is called in for big emergencies. He leads the unit for getting rid of invasionies coming into the Nikipiw tribe land. He is known throughout the land for his many skills.
Anne Maria-
Tribe: Rynina
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Camp Caring
Bio: Anne Maria is a fiery warrior who doesn't like to be lead. She thinks she can do anything and often can be stubborn to others in her camp. but they don't mind, because she makes good work on the field, and good work back at camp. Anne Maria is a force not to be reckoned with.
Beverly ( B )-
Tribe: Rynina
Type: Human
Rank: Blacksmith, Explorer
Bio: Beverly, known as 'B', is Rynina's star mechanic. He may not talk, but he is very well known across the land for his blacksmithing expertise. He often goes out to gather food and supplies, because he always finds knick-knacks that he can make something amazing out of.
Tribe: Vulipses
Type: Mermaid
Rank: Explorer, Marketing, Thief
Bio: Bridgette is a mermaid outlander, that often hangs out by the shores of Vulipses village land. She soon became friends with the Vulipses when they stopped fishing from the Vulipses gulf. She now steals valuable items from markets, villages, and other tribes to give to the Vulipses. She remains unknown and uncaught to the other tribes of the land.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Human
Rank: Discovery, Messenger
Bio: Cody is often underestimated by his clan, and he hates living in the tribe he's in. He has often thought about running away on one of his message deliveries, but he never had the guts to. He specializes in the field of discovery, and has written many books about the studies he has learned and observed.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Sorcerer
Rank: Warrior, Spy, Medic
Bio: Courtney is one of the few sorcerers in the entire land. She has the power of water bending, and often works with the merpeople. She is known to be a bit stubborn, but a great leader in her tribe. She leads the short term field unit and is wanted by many spiritual sacrificers, being the face of beauty and is ideal of a giving to the under gods.
Tribe: None
Type: Pixie
Rank: Medic, Fortuner
Bio: Dawn lives in the capitol, for she is the only aura reader to have ever lived. people pay to talk to her and get their fortunes. she is constantly a target for kidnapping. invasione tribes will try and break into the capital to get Dawn for themselves, but none have succeeded. Dawn is always in danger because of her given power.
Tribe: None
Type: Human
Rank: Princess
Bio: Dakota was born into the Capitol, and has always lived in the castles of Capitol. She has no expirence with fighting or magic, but she does a great job of help running the kingdom with her mom and dad. she is also always a target for invasione tribes. many have tried to kidnap her and hold her against things so she will give them values from the Capitol, but none have succeeded.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Blacksmith, Thief
Bio: Duncan is one of the strongest members in his tribe, and is known throughout the valley. He has stolen many riches from the Capitol and other tribes, often getting himself and his tribe in trouble. He is known as a rugrat, or delinquit, and never listens to anything anybody has to say. he often bullies smaller, dumber, and more vulnerable members in his clan, like Noah, Cody, Tyler, Harold, and more.
Tribe: Vulipses
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Marketing
Bio: Geoff always makes the tribe a bit happier with his gleaming attitude about everything. His charm works with marketing and trading with other clans, and he's amazing on the battle field as well. all around, Geoff is a great member that any tribe would love to recruit.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Demalian
Rank: Warrior
Bio: Gwen is the last generation of Demalian kind and has been part tamed, to be good. Demalian is the demon kind. Most Demalians are bad and vicious, but Gwen doesn't want to be like the Demalians. She wants to retire from her vicious ways, and is doing pretty good. but sometimes, she snaps, and her demon comes out.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Half Blood
Rank: Warrior, Discovery
Bio: Harold has left his family back at Nagarote, and has joined Amaronya as the only half blood. Having half of him as a horse, he can't really be a spy, which is what he wanted to do. So he stays on the battlefield to put his animal to some good use, and frequently stays at camp to study in his discoveries.
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Spy
Bio: Heather is extremely independent and very bossy to her unit. she is amazing on the battlefield and also with her spy expertise, but a monster when it comes to discussing with her tribe back at camp. everyone has heard of Heather, and everyone wants her in their tribe.
Tribe: Nikipiw
Type: Mermaid
Rank: Spy
Bio: Lindsay is a bit clueless, but a master when it comes to playing flirty with the guys. She glocks around the shores of Nikipiw Valley and they let her in to their tribe. She often flirts her way into rich kingdoms and wealthy tribes, and brings back riches for her and Nikipiw.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Human
Rank: Discovery, Medic
Bio: Easily being the smartest in the valley, Noah has saved dozens of lives from not only his clan, but from the Capitol! he has been invited to live in the Capitol, because of his expertise, but he rejected the invite. he loves the simple life and recovering people from his clan. he may be a bit crusty and sarcastic at times, but you get used to his sour personality.
Tribe: Rynina
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Thief
Bio: Scott is a beast on the battle field and is sly as a dog with his stealing expertise. Scott has never been caught in a robbery, which is helpful to his tribe. he is easily one of the best in the valley, despite his raggedy look and even tougher personality.
Tribe: Vulipses
Type: Human
Rank: Marketing, Explorer
Bio: Sierra, known as 'gypsy of the jewels', is a great face for trading and selling. one of the reasons that Vulipses the wealthiest field tribe in the valley, is mainly for their markerter, easily having Sierra the best and freshest gypsy.
Tribe: Rynina
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior
Bio: Trent May be mistaken for a cute boy that will serenade you with his love song, but on the field he's a killer. he's known throughout the valley for his skill and great light he brings to his tribe. Trent is definitely somebody you'd want on your team.
Tribe: Amaronya
Type: Human
Rank: Warrior, Distrastraction
Bio: Tyler, although being a bit clumsy, is insane on the field. His failed stunts make him so interesting! He is known as a great distraction, for he distracts the guards with his stupid antics while his unit goes in. Tyler is wanted across the valley, for he's the best distraction and most interesting fighter there is.
Chris McClean:
Tribe: None
Type: Human
Rank: Capitol Responsee
Bio: Chris is a Capitol jem, being richer than anyone could ever imagine. He hosts the annual Tribe Gatherings, just to watch the pain of warriors breaking. sure, Chris is a cruel man, but that's what got him rich.
️And these are their stories.....
Hey nerds :3 such a nerd. I mean, how nerdy does this book sound? whatever. I'm into this kinda stuff and I'm gonna write it!
love youuuuu

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