Oceans fear of horror films

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This was the one day a week Ocean dreaded, Horror movie night. She tried to talk Constance out of it but no she just wouldn't budge. Ocean groaned as she knocked on the door. Fixing her posture and putting a smile on her face, Ocean waited for the door to open, the door that would lead to her doom.
"Ocean, what a lovely surprise!" Mrs. Blackwood did this every time she came over for horror movie night, it was a tiring cycle.
"Lovely to see you too miss blackwood! Is Constance home?" She was lying through her teeth. She didn't want to be here, sure it was nice to see Mrs. Blackwood but Ocean would rather be seeing her at some other time and not now. Mrs. Blackwood nodded and called out for Constance. There was shuffling somewhere in the house and then Constance appeared at the doorway.
"Ocean hi! I have a couple movies picked out already!" She beamed. Ocean smiled a little wider and walked inside. God, she hated horror movie night.

"So I have, Freddy vs Jason, Final Destination, IT chapter 2 and Midsommar. Which one do you want to watch?" Constance said. They sat on the couch just inches away from the TV. Ocean was used to the bright light that filled the dark living room, she hated it though.
"Uhm, how about IT chapter 2!" The one movie on the list that she could handle. She'd never seen final destination, it seemed interesting. It was the only interesting movie on that list. Freddy Kruger scared the crap out of her, so any movie about him was a no. Midsommar was another she'd never heard of but the title sounds scary, a lot scarier than any old movie about a clown at least.
"Alright! IT chapter 2 it is." Constance said as she turned to HBO max and put on the first of many films to come.

"BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER" The character, Eddie called as he launched a spear at a spider like Pennywise. Ocean laughed as the spear hit Pennywise, causing him to stumble backwards.
"Yeah go Eddie!" She cheered. Constance joined in and the two of them screamed and cheered at Eddie's success.
"Richie, Richie I did it. I killed IT. I killed-" Eddie's victory however, was short lived as Pennywise stabbed him in the back.
"Richie..." He cried out as Pennywise flung him across the cave. Ocean called out a loud "No!" in protest, as if they could hear her.
"Eddie no! Damn it, why couldn't he just moved out the way?" Ocean cried. Constance nodded in agreement to her statements as the rest of the movie played out.

The Losers Club jeered at Pennywise, making him small. It was a great scene but Ocean and Constance couldn't stop sobbing.
"What about Eddie?!" Constance cried, Ocean nodded. They watched as Pennywise's heart was ripped out, they watched Richie's realization that Eddie was still bleeding out with only his jacket to stop it. They watched as Richie rushed over to him and knelt down, Ocean knew it was a lost cause.
"He's dead Richie" she muttered, just seconds before Bev could.
"Okay we've got to get him out of here. Bev?" Richie's glasses were covered in Eddie's blood as he turned to Bev.
"Honey, honey he's dead" She said, close to tears. Richie shook his head and grabbed onto the now deceased body of Eddie Kaspbrak. The losers pulled him off as the house began to collapse, with Richie fighting the entire time.
"WHAT THE FUCK NO, DON'T LEAVE HIM PLEASE" Constance begged with the losers club enough though they couldn't hear her. Ocean couldn't stop herself from crying, was IT always this sad?
"I cant believe they left him" Constance started,
"That was their best friend, and they LEFT HIM" Constance began to yell. It hurt Ocean's ears but she let her continue.
"THEY COULD'VE CARRIED HIM OUT OR SOMETHING. HE CAN'T BE THAT HEAVY COMPARED TO DRAGGING OUT A FIGHTING RICHIE." Constance was standing and walking around the living room now. "I MEAN COME ON." She rolled her eyes as she said this. "You agree with me right?" Ocean nodded, though the way Constance expressed her disbelief at what she saw, she was still right about it. Sure, she was loud and screaming but the losers club definitely could've carried Eddie out of the Neibolt house and to a graveyard.
"Is your family used to this or something?" Ocean couldn't help but wonder why nobody came to shut her up. Constance stopped moving and stared at Ocean.
"I mean yeah? I guess" She was clearly confused as to why Ocean would even ask this.
"Oh. It's just my parents would've made me go to bed if I was getting this excited about a movie." Ocean wouldn't dare to look Constance in the eye now. She always hated talking about her family. Constance sat back down on the couch. Ocean could feel her eyes burning as tears threatened to spill out.
"You know, if you ever want to watch a movie you're more than welcome to come over here." Constance whispered. Ocean smiled and wiped away her tears.
"I'll keep that in mind, thanks Constance."  Constance smiled and turned her attention to the TV.
"So what's next?" Ocean groaned and Constance laughed.

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