Ricky doesn't dance

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Ricky Potts can't dance and I stand by that.


"Ya know, people normally dance on their birthdays too!" Ricky was already regretting bringing up dancing. He always wanted to learn how, but obviously didn't have much practice while alive. Hell, even the dancing he did wasn't even of his own free will. He just continued to talk, though; it was definitely an issue.

At the mention of dancing Jane, Savannah? It was hard to keep up. In any case, her face shone brightly. "People dance on birthdays." She had a special way of talking that Ricky just couldn't pin down. "Yeah! "Like Ocean would dance a bunch at her birthday parties." Ricky rambled. Jane kept nodding her head, though it was unclear if she actually understood. "So you want to dance with me?" Ricky blushed at her sudden invitation to dance. He was getting to that part! "Uh, uhm, sure! "What harm can it be?" It can be a lot of harm.

Putting a kid who just gained the ability to walk normally in years and a kid who can't even remember her parents together to dance is a recipe for disaster. The two of them fumbled and tripped around each other just to get into position. Ricky had asked for a 2-minute break so he could figure out what he was doing.

"Ocean, can I talk to you?" He asked. Ocean stopped her conversation with Constance and turned to Ricky. "Sure!" She beamed. She grabbed Ricky by the arm and dragged him away from Constance.

"CanyouteachmetodancecauseIaskedJanedoeifshewantedtoandnowifeelbad-"  Ricky slurred his words together in a worried mess. "Geez Ricky, calm down!" Ocean tightened her grip on Ricky's arm. "I'm sure she won't mind." Ocean threw Ricky a good-natured smile and let go of his arm. "Just do what you normally do," she started. "I couldn't speak until I died; what do I normally do?" Ocean hit his shoulder. "If you let me finish," she grumbled." You're such a creative person; sure, you might have two left feet, but that doesn't mean you can't make something up! That's what dancing is, Ricky, so go out there and dance with her." Ricky stood there in silence. Surprisingly, that was the nicest thing Ocean had said to him the entire time they've been dead. "Thanks Ocean." She smiled and pushed Ricky towards Jane Doe. "Now go dance with her!" Ricky looked back at her and gave a thumbs up.

Truth be told, Ricky enjoyed dancing with Jane; she was graceful enough that it made Ricky feel better about his own issues with it. The dance itself didn't matter much; Jane and Ricky were in their own world where being dead didn't matter, and Jane's identity crisis seemed like such a small issue to her. Jane danced so beautifully that it almost made Ricky jealous. Watching her made Ricky admire her and take in her features. The sight itself made Ricky fall in love.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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