Spider Legs

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Day 1 It was a typical day. I was walking with my sister Cathy in the city park, on the center trail. We were about 30% up the part filled with vines. On my smartwatch, my mom had just texted me to come home for dinner. I told Cathy, who is 2 years younger than me. We decided to race. I beat her. Mom was wondering why we were exhausted. I ate dinner and went to bed.

Day 2 The next day I woke up and got ready for school.  The bus pulled up and I studied for my test on the way. When the bus arrived, I walked up the old limestone stairs and into Smith Elementary. During the entire school day, I had an eerie feeling, even when I got home. When I arrived my dad  was watching the news. I sat down and the reporter was talking about a purge of spiders who were attacking people. Both my father and I thought it was fake news, so I got up to go to bed and turned off the dim light, and fell asleep.

Day 3 Today, I decided to have a good day. I had the day off from school and it was Halloween. I thought maybe because it was Halloween that's why I had the odd feeling yesterday. I took my sister for a walk, the same route as I had walked 2 days ago. THEN IT HAPPENED. Two spiders had just summoned on the vine-filled part of the trail and were now chasing us! We ran as fast as we could. Everything around us was turning black and blue........WE WERE CAUGHT!  The only thing ahead of us was a portal ... *Poof*!

Lost time ...  I had just woken up when I realized that we were suspended in a bubble. I looked around, lots of other people around us were in the same situation.  On the ground, about 40ft below us, was a blue and black colored kingdom filled with spiders.

Cathy's view I was scared I knew my only job right now was to follow and help my sister. I had just spotted a valley in the distance. It was at least a mile away, I told my brother this meant the portal led us to a separate multiverse!

Back to my view I decided to use all my strength to break the bubble. All the other people in drops tried the same thing and most of them escaped also. While we were falling, I screamed out to grab onto the wall. Somehow everybody held themselves up on the mossy black wall. As soon as we got down spiders came sprinting after us. About 240 people (I estimated) started running down what seemed to be the main hall because of a thick blue carpet. As soon as we had a view of the end (which was only about 30ft away due to the heavy fog) we spotted a giant human-spider, hybrid-like creature! It seemed to be about 30 feet tall, it started coming at us in the other direction, so we had to climb! I yelled out to climb the blue mossy wall, and everyone did. A man who looked about 20 years old in the group said we should hide in this dark pit and make a plan. We all decided to fight the vicious monsters, some people grabbed rocks chipped from the stone wall, and others got large rocks. Everyone was prepared and started walking. It had been about 2 hours so we had no idea where the giant spider could be. Eventually, we found him and we all got ready and...... knocked the giant down! Everybody ran, I grabbed my sister's hand and sprinted off as the spiders chased us! Everyone ran through the portal, while some people sealed it with rocks.

Home Stretch, Somehow, I couldn't believe it, but we were....back!? Both my sister and I were sitting right where we entered the portal. "It felt so surreal that it had happened," we both thought quietly in our heads. We walked back home as normal except we were very silent. When we arrived, my mom was going crazy that we were just here! She wondered where we were in the past, what she said was 4 days! None of us knew what to say.

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