Chapter 1

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June 8th, 1978

It is sunny afternoon bruce and Finney were heading to the baseball field to practice for their next game. Bruce was going to help Finney with his batting and since Bruce Did not need much assistance he happily agreed to coach Finney for the afternoon. They arrived and started to warm up. It was just them there and it was a cool Monday afternoon after they were done they planned that Finney was going to go over to Bruce's house for dinner with his family since he didn't wanna be at his. He would bring Gwen, but since it's summer she's been at her friend Suzie's house most of the time. They start going and Bruce starts pitching and Finney tries to hit them.

"KEEP YOUR FEET APART" yelled Bruce it's been 1 hour since they started and he's only hit a few of them and the sun beaming down on them "I'M TRYING!" yelled Finney as he took off his cap and ran his hand through his hair and looked at the big ball of fire in the sky eye squinting on instinct. He looked back down, grabbed the bat, put his cap on, and got into position just in time as a baseball came soaring at hit and hit it perfectly. His smile grew wide and Bruce let out a sigh of relief as they spent the rest of the afternoon practice. 

Vance and Robin were walking towards the arcade now don't get the wrong idea. They aren't friends as Vance would say but if you think about their similarities I mean both have fabulous hair, Both of them could fight well. So you would think they'd be best friends but you're far wrong they have Thrown punches at each other more than robin and moose have. But here they are walking to the arcade with Vance's mind already set on the Pinball machine and reaching his hand into his pocket to find the change he got from some kid on the street.

Robin went there to grab some snacks he was going to share with Finney at their movie night later on. Soon as the door swung open everyone in the store went silent as the two long-haired boys scattered throughout the store and moved through the aisle, Vance smirked and let out a small laugh as a little girl with 2 brown pigtail braids and red overalls dropped her snacks she was buying and quickly walked to the other aisle away from the Bright red and gold pinball machine. He quickly started playing the game as he was 3 rounds in when he saw a robin in the reflection of the glass come up behind him holding up the bag signaling he was done. On their knuckles though were Bright red marks and his stupid bandana was crooked. Vance cursed under his breath and hit the machine then left with the robin as they started down the road to their houses " Are you fucking Serious" said Vance as he glared at the boy with a red substance dripping and now split lip as now he could see the damage. Robin just shrugged and said, "they deserved it" The walk was mostly silent since They weren't the talking type of people anyways and it seemed anytime robin was say something Vance would start yelling so they settled on silence with the occasional smart questions robin would say just to see him blow up over something like "How was your day" 10 minutes later and many Unhealthy thoughts about Body slamming and beating robins head in. They saw 2 figures in the distance on the baseball field in uniform and sitting on the bench with some food normally Vance wouldn't give two shits but Robin stopped right in front of him making him crash into the Latino boy getting a great whiff of his Hair shampoo. He on his last straw had Yelled at him but not before seeing a Familiar Asian boy yelling at some other boy and throwing baseballs at him. He smirks at Bruce Yamada. He knew him of course he knew him who didn't know the local good boy and baseball champion Straight A student. He hated him but he didn't know why he just did. Whenever he smiled or said anything or even took a step he just fucking hated him for it. 

"FINN!" yelled the Latino boy as he ran over to greet him "Hey robin" smiled Finn with a hint of blush that Vance saw but chooses to ignore because as of right now he is Blatantly checking the Asian boy out right now as if he didn't just go on a full rampage in his head on how much he hates him, speaking of bruce his tanned skin has now turned bright red when he made eye contact with the curly haired blonde. Vance couldn't help but smirk at that

Bruce couldn't believe what was happening right now Vance Hopper was literally in front of him right now. And Bruce who has just recently come to terms with his sexuality literally days prior when Finney asked him and is now standing here bright Red fiddling with his baseball, eyes trained down and his heart beating so loud he almost passed out. His vision now becoming hazy not because of the tall blonde that's now wearing almost a worried look on his face. He almost didn't hear Finney saying "you ok bruce" he snapped out of it and said, "yes I just need some water". Robin almost laughed he caught on to what was happening as they didn't make it discreet at all, Robin and bruce aren't close at all he only tolerates him because he's friends with Finn and he has no reason to hate him but the way Vance's face is now also sporting a tinted pink in contrast to bruce's tomato face they have or will have something going on but in contrast, Finney seems to not even acknowledge the whole thing and goes over to bruce and hands him water which he takes and starts to walk over to the bench to sit down. Vance was so confused but he was also amused; he liked the way that just standing 3 feet in front of him made him squirm. But he did not like how his stomach was getting tingly and shit and how he could feel the heat rising to his face covering his pale skin in a light pink tone It was getting late and he didn't want to keep his mother waiting.

He left.

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