Chapter 2

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June 15th, 1978

Bruce had to use the bathroom very badly. The problem was There seemed to be a group of boys blocking it Bruce had recognized 2 of them and the familiar smell of weed. Robin and Vance, there were the others he could faintly remember seeing around school or in town He knew he could just ask them to move but to him, Robin kinda scares him he knew that Robin wouldn't do anything to him and that he only does if someone provokes him or the people he cares about but Vance, on the other hand, is the opposite he would pop off if you even breathed in his direction. But that part about him didn't scare him, ever since what happened at the field 2 days ago he's been thinking about it nonstop he couldn't stop thinking about his curly blonde hair, his pale skin, his toned arms, and his smile. He just COULD NOT STOP and he was tired he had tried talking to Finney about it but Finney had laughed and concluded that he liked him which was absurd and absolutely not true at all who would like the Bad boy with anger issues and smiles in joy when people run from him and are scared, but also has a beautiful voice that would make him melt on the spot, or long blonde hair that he just wants to run his hands through. "Hey!" yelled the blonde boy Bruce had literally been standing there in his thoughts for 2 whole minutes just staring at Vance. They both stood there one of them Looking smug and curious just Looking and the other looking for a way out and trying to focus and not look into his eyes and melt.

"Bruce?" said the Latino boy with a confused expression "What are you doing" there were 2 things he could do right now: Run, Lie, or confess that you literally checking out Vance hopper right in front of him like he doesn't have eyes and definitely wasn't looking at him the whole entire time. He chose the First option and quickly left later running to Finney's house to use his bathroom which thankfully was close by and his dad wasn't home.

June 22th, 1978

Literally, a week later it was his and Finneys baseball game Finney was nervous but Bruce was strangely excited only because he knew that Robin would show up also meaning Vance would HAVE to show up because even if they would never admit it Robin and Vance were Friends and are frequently seen around town hanging out or In Robins case bailing him out of youth detention centers and trying to keep the blonde out of legal trouble. But back to other matters Bruce was standing in front of his bathroom mirror sweating and nervously fixing his hair and his cap by now he knew of his feelings towards Vance which were to the point he was mostly what he thought about and he had to stop and think if he was just over obsessed/stalker or in love he'll never know. But he had to go since his game was gonna start in 30 minutes and Finney was outside his house waiting he ran out grabbed his bag and left on his bike laughing and joking with Finney.

Vance was confused he had just gotten out of the shower and got dressed to see robin sitting in his living on the couch with his head in his hands at first he thought he was crying until he looked and saw he was just staring at the ground "The fuck are you doing dipshit" said Vance and him with a no patience at all had let out a "tsk" and almost said something until Robin had mumbled a small barely clear string of words "" and knowing Vance he was just frozen he did not know how to deal with this shit he was the last to go to for this type of shit and it was the 70s, therefore, Homosexuals aren't welcomed nicely right now but to Vance, he himself had always known he interest in boys but never acted on it or thought about it to much and growing up with an abusive father didn't help after his time of processing what Robin had just revealed to him he still did not know what the fuck to do 2 minutes of awkward silence with small breathing he had finally found something to say which was "Like deadass?" and robin had let out a laugh and said "Yes asshole..I'm Bisexual" after that sentence Vance had crashed "The fuck is that" he said. This made Robin fall back on the couch and laugh harder "Are you gonna fucking tell me or not!" Vance said which made Robin literally have tears in his eyes "It means you like girls and boys dipshit!" he said wheezing.

Let's just say Vance and Robin left the house sporting twin black eyes now. They headed down the street to see the baseball game or should I see Robin did because Vance did not have a clue there was a game he and robin sat down and as the game started he could hear whispers specifically from the girls there as they checked out the 2 boys "he's so hot" were good ones as the other were "what is that troublesome boy doing here" or "he's just like his father" But he didn't give a fuck, especially when Bruce Yamada had walked out on the field now he had the full attention he looked at what he was wearing Tight white pants along with a Tight white shirt with his team logo on it he had a goofy smile on his Small pink lips and a helmet on his head signaling he was about to go up In his hands was a bat and a glove on his one hand. Vance wanted nothing more than to kiss those lips and hold him in his arms. Vance unknowingly was smiling like the Fucking grinch right now causing Robin to catch on and figure out his little crush he would tease him later on that day.

The game was over Bruce and Finneys team won and now the 4 of them were at the park sitting on the bench in their own small conversation Finney and bruce were still in their baseball uniforms Robin and Finney were sitting on the bench under a tree and bruce and Vance was on the picnic table engaging in small talk about random things. Vance was talking about his love for pinball when Bruce just got lost in his voice his favorite thing about Vance was his voice he just wanted to hear it every day it just felt right he would say to Finney what he did know until it was too late was that he was leaning in closer and closer slowly but noticeable and Vance smirked he then leaned in and kissed him on the lips earning a gasp from bruce as the kiss started off as slow and innocent to Passionate and steamy

Vance had pulled away as he remembered they were in public he pulled the baseball boy under one of the slides and pushed him against the wall and kissed him with hunger the shorter boy's hands gripped his blonde hair. Vance lifted his knee up between the boy's legs as bruce was subtly grinding slowly not wanting to go too far and want to tease him some he pulled away and started sucking on his neck, bruce's heart was exploding right now he could not believe this was happening at all when Vance when to his neck he dug his fingernails into his back and shoulders letting out small moans again trying not to be so loud. Vance now satisfied with his artwork had left 4 Large noticeable purple marks on bruces neck and was even more satisfied when he saw his face as he was out of breath and sweating the taller boy gave him a small peck on the lips "We'll continue this later pretty boy" said Vance and After that sentence, Bruce had Melted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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