The First Escape (2) ~ andy

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{the eternal warrior, Andromache the Scythian}

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{the eternal warrior, Andromache the Scythian}

Original Female Character: Melissa Alexandra Grey.

[March of 1850. Edinburgh, Scotland]

The safe house felt homely. Coats hung on the entrance hall wall, a little haphazardly at that; a pairing of empty mugs left coffee rings on the accent table in the lounge; and the messy kitchen was warm from a recently used fireplace. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face as Andy guided me inside. The group had clearly been living here a while.

"Do you enjoy the Scots?" I asked playfully, my voice hoarse.

Joe laughed, holding the door open for Nicolo. The bright-eyed man kissed Joe on the cheek as he passed, earning a soft arm-squeeze in return.

Frowning as she withdrew her touch from me, Andy asked, "What?"

"This place looks rather cosy for a nomadic group." I slipped Nicolo's jacket off my shoulders. "Clearly you've been calling Edinburgh home for a while."

Andy and Booker exchanged a glance. Booker shrugged, closing the front door.

"Yeah, it's easy to hide in the Scottish countryside, I'll give 'em that," Andy mumbled with a smile, slipping her boots off. "We'll be heading down south-east soon."

"Italia!" Nicolo exclaimed, punching the air on his way to the kitchen.

I laughed, watching him, but keeled over as my cough overtook my mirth. I flung my hand out to catch whatever was nearest to me -

"Got you," Andy blurted, clumsily clutching my hand and arm. She brought me back upright and slid her arm around my waist, holding me close to her.

Breathing heavily, strands of my dirty hair blowing around my face, I locked eyes with her. It appeared my faltering hand had made its way to the stable centre of Andy's chest. Almost reflexively, her fingers covered it lightly. Her lips split. My heart thumped in my chest. The warmth of her fingertips trickled across the back of my hand. The warmth of her eyes soaked my soul as I lost myself in her gaze.

I was struggling for breath in a very different way now.

"Melissa should get some rest, hm, Andy?" Nicolo prompted from a few metres away, jerking me back to reality.

Andy blinked, swallowing, and tore her eyes from mine for only a moment before returning them. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Come on," she encouraged, stepping towards a hallway leading to the rest of the house.

I remained close to her side, wrapped in her tough arms. I exchanged a soft glance with Nicolo and Joe, and saw Booker smile as he moved out of our way.

Joe's sweet greeting filtered down the passage to us, "Goodnight, ladies!"

Andy laughed, and her smile was contagious. I squeezed her waist. I memorised the colour of her eyes as she blinked down at me and knew, in that moment, that I would finally have something new to dream about.

Respectful of my privacy, Andy had led me to a small bedroom and en suite for the night. When I awoke from a warm night's rest, I stretched in the sunshine and yearned to draw myself a bath. I noted the kindly-put bucket of warm water next to the bath with a smile. I washed the grit from my hair and the dust from my skin, feeling myself recuperate in a way I never had before.

I dried off with a towel and slipped into the clothes set out for me. They seemed like men's clothes. I shrugged; I hated dresses anyway. I slipped the long grey trousers up my legs and buttoned them. They were immensely more comfortable than any pair of pantihose I'd dragged over my hips. I chuckled at the thought, tucking my blouse into the waistband and glancing into the slightly grubby mirror. I looked slim and chiselled. I found myself liking the attire so much more than anything even my mother had selected for me.

"I should dress like a gentleman more often," I mumbled to myself, grinning.

The lace-up black boots were comfortable and solid, peeking out from beneath the flare of my trousers. I wiggled my toes and laid the matching grey coat over my arm. I glanced around the sweet little room and walked out of it. The passageway was dark, but I could hear voices chattering cheerfully in the kitchen. I bit my lip nervously and shook my long, damp hair out of my face so that the blonde locks cascaded down my upper back.

I emerged into the kitchen and the chattering stumbled to a halt. Quickly, my gaze found Andy's. Astonishment and awe dripped from her stare. I slipped one of my hands into my pocket and smiled. In my peripheral vision, even Booker, Joe and Nicolo seemed to have been surprised at my presence. A small twinge of satisfaction - I sure did enjoy impressing people - tweaked my smile. I dropped my coat over the back of an empty chair at the kitchen table.

"Is there coffee?" I asked quietly.

My query sliced through the silence and four gazes immediately leaped away. One returned.

"I'll grab you some," Andy responded, standing from her seat opposite me and reaching for the coffee pot on the stove.

I let my gaze drop down her figure. Her attire was similar to mine, hugging her body beautifully. I almost laughed. Like I could even imagine her in a dress. Suddenly, I glanced away, licking my lips with a frown. It felt as though I'd known her for years, when in reality, I'd known her for less than a day. I peered around at the men around me, who'd resumed their chatter once more. The guys, too.

I jumped when Andy settled her hand on my arm to hand me my coffee.

"Oh! Sorry."

She chuckled. "That's alright." She bit her lip, glancing from the window on the other side of the kitchen back to me. "It seems a good night's rest did you some, uh, good."

I smiled, sipping the coffee. It was delicious. "Mmm. And you know, I'd never thought to wear men's clothing before. It makes quite the difference, don't you think?"

Her gaze flowed down my body, pulling a shiver down my spine as it moved.

"Uh, definitely," she breathed. I smiled again, amused at her rather obvious discomfort. It appeared I'd have a fun time teasing this stoic leader.

"Thanks for the coffee," I said warmly, bumping into her shoulder gently.

She laughed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Anytime." She shot me a heartfelt look.

I sat down as she moved away, chuckling with Joe. He nudged me playfully and I flashed my eyebrows.

Nicolo caught my attention. "You look wonderfully dashing, Melissa."

"Why thank you, Nicky. That's very kind." I sent him a wink.

Joe crossed his arms and leaned in to say quietly to me: "You are much more fun than I was expecting. Nobody has ever driven Andy to a stutter like that before."

"Oh, don't. You'll inflate my ego, Joe," I teased, though secretly I was so pleased.

Good fortune wasn't enough to explain how miraculous the group rescuing me was. And Andy seemed just about as enchanted by me as I was by her. I felt my life fall into place all of a sudden as I placed my mug of coffee down onto the table. Booker sent me a subtle salute and Nicolo offered me the sugar bowl. Joe leaned back and placed a hand on the back of my chair. Andy was gazing at me from her brooding spot next to the kitchen sink.

This is where I belong. 

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