576 39 322

Please write all of the following in one comment, not separate, or I may miss your information.

Your wattpad username:

The name of your book (if you are entering multiple, do separate comments- you can enter up to three in different categories):

The genre of your book:

Does your book have at least 3 chapters (not including authors notes or character profiles, etc):

Does your book have less than 10k reads (You can still enter if it does, but this contest is trying to raise newer authors!)

Is your story rated mature?:

Have you followed me?:

Are you entering as a judge too? If so, which category have you entered?

Tag three accounts who may be interested!

Current entries:

Fantasy- 10/10

General Fiction (includes Teen Fiction)- 10/10

Humour- 8/8

Mystery/Thriller- 11/11

Poetry- 10/10

Romance- 10/10

Short story- 12/12

Vampire- 7/8

Werewolf- 8/8

LGBTQ+- 10/10

The Autumnal Awards 2022Where stories live. Discover now