character info

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Jason Reed

age: 45

length: 5'8ft {1.73m}

character description: He is "chill", he cheated on his girlfriend Zorya, the mother of his child. And verbally abused her and Aethera when she got older. When he and Zorya finally broke up he immediatly went on to the next girl that same night.

work: accountant

Zorya Foster

age: 43

length: 6ft {1.83m}

character description: She works at Oracle library with Sarah Sharpe, she's a loving person, a little too loving. She met the father of Aethera in a cafe, little did she know that stuff would go down hill soon. She stayed with Jason for 7 more years after Aethera was born. And than she decided to finally leave him and she took some time for herself and her daughter and than she got into a relationship a year later with Aiden Sharpe and they had Robin. Zorya got her happy ever after she always dreamed of.

work: librarian

Aiden Sharpe

age: 42

length {human}: 6'2ft {1.88m}

length {were wolf}: 11ft {3.35m}

character description: He is the very (over) protective brother of Sarah Sharpe, she is the way that he and Zorya met. Aiden is the father of Robin and he also has a small secret. He is a  werewolf and around every 2 weeks he is forced into his werewolf form. And he does his best to try and bond with Aethera.

work: Domino's {janitor}

Sarah Sharpe

age: 39

length: 5'8ft {1.73m}

character description: She started to work at Oracle library, she than started to talk with Zorya who helped her around her new work place. Although when they started to talk more Sarah realised how toxic Zorya's relation with Jason was. she decided to tell her brother all about it. Zorya also seemed to realise that it wasn't right and she stayed a little longer to see if it would change but it didn't. It wasn't in the stars to change. 

work: new librarian

Aethera Foster

age: 20

length: 5'9ft {1.75m}

character description: She is the first child of Zorya, and let's just say that she isn't a fan of her new father. Though she does see that he isn't as mean as Jason was. Aiden seemed a lot nicer but.. She just wasn't ready to accept a new father figure in her life yet even if the other one was a horrible one. He was and is her biological father.

work: fashinosta

Robin Sharpe

age: 9

length: 5'2ft {1.57m}

character description: She is the second child of Zorya and Aiden's fist child. She is a tomboy even at a young age and desires to be a UFC fighter as she gets older. She has a necklace that matches with her sister and an earring that matches with her sister and her mother. She is a big softie with her family but she will act really tough to strangers and usually her friends but not in a mean way.

occupation: student

future job: UFC fighter.

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