Meeting him...

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{action meanings: Narrator, action movement, author

We will begin our story following our main character for now. Her name is Zorya Foster. She was going through her daily things she does in a day. She had her work and than a hour long break. During her break she went to a cafe she usually goes to named AV, no-one knew what it stands for, not even the workers. Once she got her boba she sat down at a table on her own. At a table next to her there was a man sitting alone. He was wearing purple and Zorya found his eyes rather interesting, give the lady a map before she gets losed in there! 

The man came up to her after a couple of minutes of her enjoying her drink.

Jason: Hey would you mind if I sat here with you? I'm jason, Jason Reed. if possible I'd like to make new friends, heh.

Zorya: Oh sure, my name is Zorya, Zorya Foster. And I wouldn't mind a new friend. The more the merrier!

Jason: I agree, having more friends is a good thing.

he sat across from Zorya at her table, sipping his coffee. He looked out the window before returning his gaze to her.

So what do you do normally? I'm an accountant. I decided I'd go here for my lunch break since there's quite a few amazing views around here, plus the drinks are to die for.

Zorya: Oh, I work in the library. she fixed her glasses. I usually come here for some boba, cause like you said it really is to die for.

Jason: You're a librarian? That's awesome. What books are you into? I've not read many books in a long while, I'm typically busy with numbers because of my job.

Zorya: I really like fantasy and a good romance book once in a while. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good love story with a happy ending. She sighed and took another sip of her drink

he chuckled

Jason: I get that. I also love romance stories. I could check one out sometime, on my day off. Maybe you could show me the ones you like?

Zorya: Oh sure! I have some recommendations but no-one ever seems interested in them.. So i don't blame you if you won't like them either

Jason: You know what they say- never judge a book by its cover. I'd be more than happy to check them out. I'm sure I'll like them, heh.

Zorya: I'm glad to hear that. Her tail started to slightly wag

Jason: Ditto, Zorya 

He waved as his tail wagged, going to leave to return to his job.

(for those confused on what it means like I was, in this sentence it means same.)

Zorya: she ended up looking down at the table and just smiling, with the ever so slight blush creeping on to her cheeks

As some days past, Zorya was just doing her thing in the library, waiting for the day she would see Jason again.

A day later... After a couple hours of Zorya doing her job, Jason, the guy from the café, showed up just like he said he would. He was curiously looking around.

Zorya: she swooped past a couple of books on one of those tall ladders, she looked fully in her element and very elegant whilst doing so. Oh! Hey Jason!

Jason:Hm? Oh, hello there. You're Zorya, right? I came to checkout the books I said I would, hehHis tail softly wagged from side to side

Zorya: That would be me yea! she came down from the ladder with a little bit of a wobble You can come with me and I can show you some of the books?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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