Chapter 8. 1795 

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By the beginning of December, Genevieve was finally with child. She had discovered that she was expecting at the end of October, and was now two months along. Camille was the first person she told of her pregnancy, wanting to tell her best friend before anyone else, including Richard.
Camille was overjoyed for her best friend, hoping and praying that she and the baby would be healthy and survive. She knew that Richard was going to be thrilled at the prospect of finally having a son. And that meant she could finally be left alone.
One chilly morning, Camille was just stepping out of Genevieve's chamber after helping her get dressed for the day, when she noticed James stepping out of Richards chamber. She smiled at her beloved, walking over to him and immediately becoming pulled against him. She placed her head against his chest, not caring if anyone saw them. She was in love, and the feeling was mutual.
James held her close before pulling her into an empty room and closing the door behind them. Turning around, he brought her against him and kissed her sweetly. "It seems we can finally leave this place for a while."
Camille smiled against his lips, kissing him back. "It seems we can. But when are we to proceed with our lovemaking? We can't leave during the Christmas festivities. They are happening next week."
The following week was going to be filled with activities. There was going to be a dinner, two balls, and several jousting tournaments. Everything had been put together by Richard, who wanted nothing but perfection.
James brushed his lips against hers once again, his hand moving to caress her cheek. "We can leave after the second Christmas ball."
Camille. "But don't you believe everyone is going to notice we are gone?"
James. "Not if we leave during the night."
Camille swallowed hard. "No one knows about our plan your grace. However, I feel that I must tell Genevieve at least. She can keep a secret."
James. "Then you can tell her. But no one else can know of what we are doing. Richard already found us once."
Camille. "I know."
The two of them held one another tightly as their lips came together again and again, their tongues swirling together. They moved backwards towards the huge bed, toppling onto it. They started laughing, their eyes sparkling as they gazed into one another's hearts.
Camille reached up to stroke his cheek. "I must say, you have the perfect French accent my love."
James chuckled, holding her close as he moved to lie on the bed with her on top of him. "Thank you my dear. I took quite a number of French lessons from my tutor when I was a boy. I always found that language to be beautiful and quite fascinating."
Camille snuggled against him. "Well your lessons have paid off."
The sound of the door opening had them both freezing. Was it Richard? Had he found them again? They held their breath with panic, but then relaxed as they saw Genevieve smiling at them from the doorway.
Genevieve. "I do apologize if I was interrupting anything."
Camille smiled at her. "Not at all, you weren't. I was actually wanting to speak to you."
Genevieve stepped into the room, her lovely complexion and strawberry curls completed by her dusty blue silk gown. She closed the door behind her before turning to look at them. "Of course, what is it?"
Sitting up, Camille took a deep breath before telling her best friend and queen everything that had happened to her. She told her how Richard was wanting her, and how he was determinedSitting up, Camille took a deep breath before telling her best friend and queen everything that had happened to her. She told her how Richard was wanting her, and how he was determined to get her into his bed. She told her about the plan she and James came up with. She watched as Genevieve's expression morphed from shock to hurt and then to anger.
Genevieve shook her head. "I'm so sorry that bastard did that to you. To both of you. You deserve to be happy, not kept apart."
James. "We were thinking of leaving shortly after the second Christmas ball was finished. If that's all right of course your majesty."
Genevieve moved toward them, taking both of their hands once she was close enough. "Of course that's all right with me Lord Remington. When do you plan to be married?"
Camille. "Possibly after the holidays, sometime in January. That way if I become with child, there won't be any rumors."
Genevieve smiled softly. "I give you both my blessing. I do hope you'll stay after you're married."
Camille smiled brightly. "Of course we do. I wouldn't dream of serving anyone else. And I want to be here for you when you have your child."
James. "And, if Camille does become with child, you can assist her when it's her time."
Genevieve. "But of course. I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else."
James and Camille smiled before giving Genevieve a tight squeeze and then watched her leave the room. They turned and exchanged a glance of relief. Their secret was safe with the queen. Their only fear was that Richard would find out. And if he did, they had no ITheir only fear was that Richard would find out. And if he did, they had no idea how he was going to react.
James. "I say we make our way downstairs and see what the other servants are up to. That way we don't become caught."
Camille smiled. "I believe that's a wonderful idea your grace."
Exchanging a quick and sweet kiss, they rose from the bed and stepped out of the room. Fingers intertwined, they walked downstairs to the servants quarters. Within the week, they would become intimate with one another. By the beginning of next year, they would become husband and wife.

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