I used to be the one living in the fast line

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In class 1A group chat:

Aizawa: Why the hell am I here?

Iida: Mr. Aizawa! Emergency!

Momo: Yeah! Something's weird going on here

Aizawa: What's going on? Tell me clearly.. And why are we in a group chat? So annoying.. These countless notifications always pisses me off

Todoroki: Actually, it's still a mystery to us..

Bakugo: It's no mystery! It's Deku!

Uraraka: Who's Deku?

Bakugo: He's Izuku Midoriya!

Aizawa: Ok, can I get a proper explanation?

Momo: Let me explain, pls

Aizawa: Go ahead

Momo: So, we made this group chat and got our class together.. Then this user, @GhostBoy came out of nowhere and started a chat.. We thought he might be some student from some other class.. But he doesn't seem like one..

Aizawa: Oh? And How's he not a student?

GhostBoy: Hewo Caterpillar!

Aizawa: What now?

GhostBoy: How is the CockatooBanshee after the last time you said you gonna shut his mouth?

Momo: What is he talking about, Mr. Aizawa..? Do you know him?

Aizawa: No damn clue..

GhostBoy: Well the thing you said in the CrazyThree room.

Aizawa: Oh? How do you know about that?

Todoroki: Well that is our problem. He is not from our class and stuck in CyberSpace or whatever it is called.

Bakugo: It is damn Deku.

Todoroki: But we don't know who Izuku is!

Aizawa: Ok! Shut up!

GhostBoy: Yeah, pls stop using the name 'Izuku' its hurting me somehow..

Aizawa: So according to Momo, @GhostBoy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and now you think that he is stuck in cyberspace?! You guys are drunk? Or is this one of your another stupid pranks?

GhostBoy: I didn't appear! I was here the whole time you all just came into this room!

Iida: No sir! I assure u, its no prank.. Wait.. Who pranked u anyways?!

Kaminari went offline

Mina went offline

Kirashima went offline

Aizawa: Them..?

Uraraka: What do we do with him now tho Aizawa-sensei! He is stuck and you are our sensei!

Aizawa: Indeed.. I am your sensei.. Not someone else's.. 😐

Uraraka: No! I mean, help him too!

GhostBoy: I am kinda confused.. why would I need help?

Todoroki: Wait.. According to Bakugo, @GhostBoy is Izuku Midoriya.. A person..

While GhostBoy has no clue about the reality.. Could it be..??

Momo: What is it, Todoroki?

Todoroki: He may have some kind of quirk and now he's stuck in that thing.. Cyberspace thingy..

Iida: That's quite a theory, there..

Uraraka: Oh? What kind of quirk it could be? Are you talking about Rotom's ability?

Momo: What? What's a Rotom? Is he or she a hero? Or even a villain?!

Uraraka: Calm down there, Momo.. Its from the show Pokemon!

Momo: oh.. I see..

Bakugo: shut up, Kirby

Uraraka: Hey! Stop calling me Kirby!

Aizawa: Can we pls not go into that stuff?

GhostBoy: What's a quirk?

Todoroki: Honestly, Its hard to explain..

Aizawa: It is an ability you will get when you reach the age of 4. It may be some metal aspect as well as something physical, some enhancing or mutant type.

GhostBoy: Age? What's that?

Sato: I feel its hopeless..

Momo: uh.. No it isn't.. We are supposed to be heroes! We gotta help him!

GhostBoy: What's a hero?

Iida: 💀 for real?

Uraraka: -_- That was weird

Todoroki: Yeah.. I can't deny that.. Its weird..

GhostBoy: Seriously! I can't follow you guys at all!

Bakugo: Then don't! Just stay wherever u are! Stupid Deku! Die! Or are u already dead? Death cant catch the Deku I knew!

GhostBoy: I can't leave. I don't know how and I don't even know what dead or death is. I am just here.... 

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