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────── GENERAL.
001. STEREOTYPE / LABEL the daydreamer
002. NAME luna sage katz
003. NICKNAMES lulu (by family) lou (by mike, occasionally)
004. AGE 16 (ROTI) 17 (AS)
005. GENDER & PRNS female, she/her
006. SEXUALITY biromantic bisexual
007. ETHNICITY african-asian
008. NATIONALITY canadian
001. APPEARANCE luna has dark skin, and medium length, curly bleached blonde hair that's naturally a brown though she's been bleaching and dying it for a few years now, she usually keeps it down, and she has monolid eyes that are a very dark brown, appearing black in certain lighting. her eyebrows are dark brown and a bit bushy, she has a snub shaped nose and her lips are plump but medium sized. she is tall, with a skinny figure and a few curves.
002. CLOTHING luna's wardrobe mostly consists of sweaters, long sleeved shirts, and shorts. she's a big fan of colorful clothing, and it's just a bonus for her if it's multi-colored. she's not opposed to darker colors, and will wear them but they aren't her first choice — she's also a fan of knee high socks, thigh highs, fishnets, and tall boots. dresses, skirts and heels aren't really her thing, though she'll wear them for a formal event. she's not big on accessories though usually wears the necklace mike bought for her when they met.
003. HEIGHT 5'7
004. WEIGHT 120 lbs
005. VOICECLAIM yoimiya nagohara

 VOICECLAIM yoimiya nagohara

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001. PERSONALITY luna's a kind, compassionate person. she likes helping out when she can, being a natural extrovert she likes to think of herself as easy going. she doesn't like making enemies, only making the exception for people who have hurt her, her friends, or are just genuinely rude in general. she's a quick thinker, but an overthinker at that, she has a slight anxious nature to her though tries to stay level headed, unfortunately sometimes her emotions just manage to get the best of her. she's sarcastic at times, and likes to playfully tease her friends. luna's also not one to really ever be rude to anyone, even if they are her enemy. she tries not to stoop down to their level, and takes the approach to bottle up her emotions until she's in private.
002. GOOD TRAITS kind, honest, compassionate, playful
003. BAD TRAITS emotional, ditzy, stubborn, pushy
004. LIKES slushies, skateboarding, hair dye, painting nails, strawberry flavored chapstick, fruits
005. DISLIKES bugs, insects, arguments, hot weather (unless swimming), bananas, kiwis, repetitive noises
006. FEARS claustrophobia (fear of small spaces), katsaridaphobia (fear of cockroaches), thalassophobia (fear of large bodies of water) (phobias) & heights + death (normal fears)
001. LOVE INTERESTS mike, mal, vito, or manitoba
mike and luna are best friends, having met when they were 14 through a total drama fan blog, and later meeting up where mike bought her a necklace since it was their first time meeting. when auditions were open, the two decided to audition together and actually ended up making it in to revenge of the island, and then later all stars. they're pretty close overall, and she already knows about the system since mike ended up telling her after a while, to which she totally supported him and his headmates & did her own research so she's well informed.
mal and luna have the dynamic of frenemies more than enemies. in all stars, luna caught on quickly as mike's her best friend, she knows how he is. seeing as how he's apart of a system, it wasn't a big moment for her when she realized. she quickly told mal to drop the act once they were alone, and so he did. luna tried her best to get him to stop sabotaging, but was unsuccessful due to challenges; the two are prone to bickering due to their contrasting personalities & goals.
vito and manitoba are friendly with luna, they're sort of friends, in a way? manitoba and luna more so, luna just tolerates vito /lh manitoba was one of the first alters luna met besides mike, she didn't meet vito until later so naturally she's a bit more distant with vito, especially due to his ego though she's also friendly with them ; and treats them no differently she does mike.
002. BEST FRIENDS mike
003. FRIENDS cameron, dakota, dawn, gwen, lindsa
004. ENEMIES anne maria, heather, alejandro

 ENEMIES anne maria, heather, alejandro

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001. SEASON revenge of the island, all stars
002. TEAMS mutant maggots, heroic hamsters
004. BACKSTORY luna's backstory is still a wip! however, when she auditioned for total drama, she mostly did it for fun, not thinking she'd actually get in. when she did, she used it as a chance to make friends!
001. THEME SONGS brutal, olivia rodrigo
002. TRIVIA ABOUT OC luna can play the guitar, she initially got into it during childhood and it's a talent that followed her into teenage years. when she's older, she hopes to be a singer.
picrew number is 1234599, though you can also find it by looking up baby carrot picrew!

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