first mission

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Luck opened his eyes, they were wide open, he looked around and saw cosmic asleep, 'I was... Dreaming' luck thought, luck didnt know why but he felt sad it was a dream, the next day had arrived and everyone was in the middle room of the base, vanessa was wasted on the couch, gauche had a bloody nose looking at his sister, grey puffed out smoke, magna was eating and so was Charmy, and cosmic was trying to sit peacefully on the couch but luck kept clinging to him, he kept asking politely for luck to get off, but lucks grip got tighter, in the end it was asta trying to pull luck off, cosmic whining because luck wouldn't let go, and vanessa flirting with cosmic.

Soon a new person cosmic never saw before walked into the room, she was looking around disgusted of everyone, but when she saw cosmic, her eye's sparkled with a red tint on her cheeks, 'why is a cute noble here?' She thought, she decided to try and help cosmic with luck, she told the 'insects' to get off him, only vanessa and asta did as they were told, vanessa was not trying to get in any trouble with the silva's, but asta was just dense and listened, the only person left on cosmic was luck, "please get of luck" cosmic whined trying to pull him off.

3 hours had past since Yami, magna and cosmic went to who knows where, magna had insisted on cosmic coming and it was approved by Yami, cosmic had finally gotten luck off and rushed to where Finral opened the portal, when they arrived back magna and Yami had nothing but there robes and a cloth cosmic had gotten for them, cosmic didnt lose once against the old man but that didnt mean it wasn't a challenge, Finral was suprised that cosmic made it back with clothes because everytime he had sent the two too the village they would always come back stripped of there clothes.

Magna had gotten done explaining there mission and him and Yami went to change, "what happened?" Noelle asked, "we were gambling" cosmic answered, "thank god you didnt lose" noelle said, "right?" cosmic said giggling, 'now I kinda wanted him to lose' noelle thought of dirty stuff, "but I atleast hundred-folded" cosmic said showing the 700 thousand jewels he got,  'Thats as much as my allowance before it was cut by nozel' noelle thought, cosmic headed to his room to change, while he was changing luck bust the door down only to see cosmic's upper half of his body and get bloody nose.

Magna, asta, noelle and cosmic were headed outside, magna started a conversation with cosmic, "I still can't believe you hundred-folded on the old man" magna said, "if you want you can have it" cosmic said holding the money out, "no thank I was just surprised, me and Yami could never beat him, let alone hundred folding him" magna said declining the money, when they were outside noelle and asta said they couldn't fly a broom, "here" cosmic said snapping his fingers, 4 gaster blasters appeared infront of all of them, "me to?" Magna said, "why not" magna said.

They arrived to the destination in only a few minutes, (maybe they could prevent a certain someones death)  'these things are so fast' magna and noelle thought, asta was just in awe of how cool the gaster blasters were, "I can take care of the southeast and any other boars in a 200 anchor distance" cosmic stated, "thats perfect magna said, "okay I'll be right back" cosmic said disappearing in a flash, "so what do you guys think of cosmic?" Asta asked his squad mates but was met with silence and flushed faces, cosmic came back with 62 boars in bone cages, "alright here we go" cosmic stated, "cosmic you didnt need to clear half the forest" magna said.

When they arrived at the village it was covered in mist, "its magic mist, but we didnt meet anyone with mist magic did we?" Cosmic asked, "no" magna said, "asta this mist is made of magic, can you cut through it" cosmic said, "yes!" Asta yelled, when they arrived they saw the village people held hostage by ice shards above them and the chief breathing heavy on the ground, "Seihi!" Cosmic said running over to the chief, magna also ran over to help but the ice shards Started to rain down, cosmic had made a bone barrier to protect the people.

"Who do you think you are attacking these people!" Magna said to the cloaked men and the one with a scar on his face, "they were about to die, no worries they will die in 25 seconds" heath said making a giant shard of ice, it had hit the bone barrier but had no effect, heath was suprised that his attack didn't nothing to the barrier, "thats a strong barrier, to bad it will have to wear out at some time" heath said, "answer me when i am talking to you!" Magna demanded, heath made another giant crystal but this one was bigger, heath was trying to make the spell wear off but this time his attack was incinerated by a blue beam of energy.

Heath looked at where the attack had come from and saw a skull of some sort formed by the white haired boy, 'this boy is very powerful' heath thought, "Take this!" Asta yelled swinging his sword at heath but it was blocked by him, "5 minutes" heath said in a monotone voice, heath sent 5 crystals asta's way but were blocked by a wall of bones, 'now I see, bone manipulation' heath thought, "you know what" cosmic started with a villain like smile, "I think I should take a gamble" he finished leaving everyone in except asta in confusion, 'wait thats what cosmic said in the exam!' Asta thought, "Au magic:Au shift"cosmic said as a red light appeared in his place, after the light faded it revealed a boy with a hood hiding his head and and mouth.

Heath looked at where the attack had come from and saw a skull of some sort formed by the white haired boy, 'this boy is very powerful' heath thought, "Take this!" Asta yelled swinging his sword at heath but it was blocked by him, "5 minutes" heat...

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"What does cosmic want now?" Dust said, he noticed a guy with a scar and cosmic's bones fading, "so he wanted to take a gamble huh?" Dust yawned, "let's just get this over with" dust said with seriousness, he lifted his hand summoning 5 gaster blasters but with red energy instead of blue, the power was released with a wave of his hand and the energy destroyed anything and everything in front of it, the energy had faded away showing the 70 foot radias of crater in the ground, the enemy were absolutely demolished and so was the town buildings, "weak" dust simply said walking over to the villagers, he raised a hand and a magic circle appeared.

Bone magic advanced: dryad bones (idk ヽ(´ー`)┌

Everyone was healed as if nothing happened, "I got five minutes left to Stay" dust announced to cosmic's squad mates, "and before anyone asks who I am, I will not be answering" dust stated, 'cute but scary' noelle thought, "let's just head too the Base" dust stated as the other's nodded, "wait!" The chief yelled, they looked back and he was in perfect condition no scratches no scars, "here, its for saving the village" He said giving them a magic stone, "thanks" dust said grabbing the stone, dust summoned 4 blasters but they looked a little creepy, when they hopped on they were almost immediately flying in the air, they reached the base in 3 minutes and everyone gave dust a weird look, "my times up" dust said as he transformed back to cosmic.

Cosmic went to his room because he didnt feel like explaining his different personalitys/versions, he went to his room to read a book and pass time, just like last time luck came to his room but this time he didnt bust the door down but instead he opened it rather slowly not wanting to make the same mistake twice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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