i. stuck

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You ever tried going down a fire pole? It's not easy. There's no perfect way to get down. But there's definitely a wrong way. Hold on too tight and you won't slide-you'll just hang there, dangling. Stuck. Nobody wants to get stuck. That's why Jordanna Avery had decided long ago just to use the damn stairs.

"I know you all know this, but I'm still gonna say it-contain the flame and get the hell out." Pruitt's voice boomed across all Station 19 walkies.

"Laminar smoke flow, small chance of flashover." Andy Herrera informed her father. "My guess is the back of the house."

As the team stood in front of the house, one of their own, Jack Gibson, pushed in front of the pack trying to get in, quickly being stopped by their Captain. "Hey, Gibson, you in a hurry? I haven't even given the plan yet."

"Just ready to get in there, sir." Jack excused himself, looking back desirably at the house, slowly inching closer.

Pruitt looked back at the rest of his team. "Miller, partner with Gibson."

"You got it."

"Andy, you, Bishop, and Avery handle search and rescue." The three nodded, rushing after Jack and Dean. "And let's get somebody up on that roof to vent!"


The fire had long since been put out. Andy, Jordanna, and Maya were now sat on the edge of the engine, catching their breath and watching Dean receive their attention for rescuing the house owner's puppy.

"Do you think he practices?" Jordanna asked randomly as Maya and Andy kept their eyes on the firefighter. "Like, does he go to dog parks on his days off?"

Maya couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, cradle puppies under one arm, wipe away pretend soot with the other."

"He must." Andy chimed in.

"I mean, look at him."

"You noticed we're the ones who saved her life, but he's the one she's thanking?"

"That stuff's not gonna fly when we run the place." Maya declared.

Jordanna nodded in agreement. "Next time, we save the puppy."


"Fast containment today, sir." Jack announced proudly to his captain, itching at something else that he dared not to speak right away. "No casualties." And then he decided it best to abandon that approach. "Think that means today might be a pole day?"

"You saved a puppy." Pruitt spat, as if the puppy was some cruel monster.

"And a Tiffany." Maya chimed in, trying to make sure that her efforts weren't forgotten. Again.

"Puppies and Tiffanies do not equal pole days."

"Then what does?" Jack questioned, glancing back at the crowd that had formed behind him. "Because in the two years I've been here, not once have-" Pruitt cut his lieutenant off rather harshly.

"Gibson! I enjoy your joy, I do. But I will know the perfect pole day when I see the perfect pole day. Trust me- today's not it." Jack nodded, accepting his defeat and allowing Pruitt to walk away.

"It's so tall and shiny." Travis muttered, looking longingly at the bright, unused fire pole in front of him. "Just staring down at us and mocking. I can feel it mocking."

"What's the point of having a fire pole if nobody ever gets to use it?" Maya asked, glancing at her fellow firefighters before they all turned their attention back to the pole.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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