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~six months later~

Mark Lee woke up with a bright smile on his face, eagerly looking forward to the day ahead.

He walked through the halls confidently on his way to class, as heads turned to see the face that was now more than familiar throughout the school.

Hey, Mark! See you at Duelling Club later?” a blonde Hufflepuff female student smiled as he walked by.

Yeah, I’ll be there,” Mark responded.

Oi, it’s Lee!” a tall Slytherin male walked up to him and clapped him on the shoulder. “When are you gonna come to Hogsmeade with us again? We had so much fun last time!

Mark grinned in response. “I’ll get back to you, bro,” he said, fist bumping the guy before they parted ways.

Hey Mark! See you in class later!” a Gryffindor student waved in passing, as Mark waved back.

He rounded the corner to bump into Jungwoo, who joined him on the way to Potions.

Look at you, Mr. Popular. Dare I say it you’re even more popular than me nowadays,” Jungwoo smirked,
Mark shrugged. “Nah, I’m just being myself.

Who would’ve thought you of all people could fix this school,” Jungwoo chortled, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

I definitely didn’t do it alone,” Mark smiled.

Captain, you’re late!” Amy called, though the smile was evident on her face. Mark walked in clutching his broom in one hand and hi-fiving her with the other.

Look who’s back!” Jenny said gleefully.
And as he gave a closer look, he saw that Jane Holmes, their talented Seeker had indeed returned, full fledged with a look of determination in her eyes, ready to make up for the lost time.

Good to see you again in uniform, Jane,” Mark said in relief. “How do you feel?

I’m ready for my comeback,” Jane replied at once. “So we can’t lose this one.” Her team members cheered in unison.

Well. Something tells me it won’t be easy,” Mark said, as he walked to the front, leading his team.“But you’re right. We won’t lose.

Crystal rolled her eyes at side, as the Gryffindor Quidditch Team made their way onto the pitch. “Can you tryhards relax for a hot minute. It’s just a practice match.”

Francis scoffed next to her. “That doesn’t mean we should try any less,” he said. “Plus, the Chasers are probably gonna have to try twice as hard as usual to make up for distractionson the pitch.

Krystal appeared confused for a second. “What distrac–oh.

A flourish of green capes appeared as the opponent for their practice session appeared on the Pitch. Their march was confident, eager, much like the Gryffindors, as the two teams met in the middle of the field.

The two Captains stepped up, both with determined looks in their eyes.

Thanks for organizing this, Captain. It’s was a great idea.” the Slytherin Quidditch Captain said. “But still, we won’t go easy.

Likewise,” Mark replied, firmly shaking the Captain’s hand.

Out of the corner of his eyes he caught a wisp of golden, and despite his resistance, he couldn’t help but glance over to the player standing directly across from Jane, the one who was the official Seeker of the Slytherin team.

Oi, Captain,” the Slytherin Captain called suddenly, a teasing tone in his voice. “Keep your eyes on the prize, huh?

Both teams immediately understood the insinuation, as the members burst out into laughter and wolf-whistles, while Mark bent his head down in shame, slightly blushing.

Let’s have a fair game,” Amy smiled from beside Mark, as the players proceeded to mount their brooms. As they began to gain altitude, Mark felt his heart beat faster and faster, having been reinstated to his original position as a Chaser. This time, it would be a game with no excuses.

And yet, just as the Quaffle was released from beneath, Mark was the first to grab onto the Quaffle, as he started his flight towards the Slytherins’ hoops. His flight was quick and precise as usual, and he made his way towards the opposite side in record time.

But then, just as he was about to start the first goal, something caught his eye. As if slow motion, the pretty Slytherin Seeker was suddenly in front of him, deliberately trying to catch his eye. And as if the adrenalin wasn’t enough to keep his blood pulsing at an insane pace, Lee Donghyuck suddenly decided to wink at him, his blonde locks still flowing over his eyes.

Mark hesitated, and in that moment, he realized he’d made a mistake. As the Quaffle left his fingertips, it was immediately blocked, rebounded by the Keeper’s broom who knocked it back to near the centre where her teammate was waiting.

The Gryffindor Captain remained there for two seconds, slightly dazed, even when several of his teammates flew by, all shaking their heads but with knowing smiles on their faces. And then for a second, just for a second, he dared to take a glance at Lee Donghyuck, who was busy running his fingers through his hair as if he had done absolutely nothing at all.

Deliberately, the Slytherin Seeker suddenly flew down so that he was almost right next to Mark, brushing against his shoulder and then looking back with what was clearly a triumphant smile on his face. Mark felt the chills run all through his body. He quickly realized that from now on, Quidditch matches against the Slytherins would no longer simply be a battle of simply Quidditch, if anything was indicated by the way his body was overreacting in so many different ways.

Come on, Captain,” Donghyuck called behind him, deliberately dragging out the last word. “You can do better than that.

Mark gulped, despite himself. This is gonna be a long game…

A/n : And this marks the official end of The Slytherin Seeker. Hope y'all enjoyed my story (which is full of mistakes lol). Don't forget to vote and comment (I'm looking forward to the humorous comments xD).

Till we meet again.

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