One direction

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I woke up with a very sweet good morning text from harry

Today im going to meet his band

I went downstairs to go eat breakfast and then i got dressed and got a taxi to the location harry sent me

It was somones house

When i got in the house harry came towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek

His bandmates were there and they looked at us and i felt weird so i awkwardly pushed him away

"Luv why did you push me away?" Harry asked me

"Its just kinda awkward in front of everyone" i shyly answered

"No need to be embarrassed luv, its just love" he said to me and i blushed

"Cone, I'll introduce you to my bend" harry said

"This is kate, kate, this is louis" he pointed at louis and he looked like such a sweet boy

"This is zayn" he pointed at zayn and he looked very beautiful

"This is niall" he pointed at niall and he looked like such a pure soul

"And this is liam" he pointed at liam and he looked like a nice guy

"Hello" i said

"Hey" they all said

"Oh and this is thomas, he is the house owner, and a friend of mine" harry pointed at another guy who was sitting in a chair alone, thomas looked kinda weird, i dont know how to explain but he didn't really look normal, im not saying hes ugly , hes not but he just looks different , and he looked ar me in a weird way, he was kinda familiar too

"Hello Thomas" i said and he just waved

"And we are one direction" harry said and smiled

The rest of the time i spent there i listened to their songs and they were really good, not that i ever doubted them .

Harry was so clingy to me and i kinda got sick of it but i thought it was really sweet so i let it slide.

At the evening the boys started to leave .

Niall left first and half an hour later liam and zayn left

Louis and harry and thomas obviously stayed

We were bored so we decided to play thruth or dare

We sat on the couches and we randomly asked each other truth or dare

"Truth or dare harry" louis asked

"Dare" harry andwers

"I dare you to tell me your deepest secret"

"Damn that's a cruel one" thomas said

"My deepest secret is that i have 4 nipples"

"Thats not your deepest secret harry , everyone know you have 4 nipples" louis said

"You have four nipples??!??!" I said and laughed

"Stop laughing its not foony" harry said and started laughing too

Now everyone was laughing

"Now be serious and say your deepest secret" louis said through laughter

"Okay okay"

Everyone stoped laughing

"My deepest secret is that i never loved anyone i ever dated" harry said, and then I thought does it mean he doesn't love me too? My smile faded

"But you are special kate, you made my heart melt the monent i saw you" harry siad and my heart was racing

"Aww that's so sweet" louis said with a sassy attitude, he didn't mean it, lol he's third wheeling

Its been an hour and louis left, harry said he should go too, and i said i should also

Harry offered to give me a ride home and i agreed

Harry was outside starting the car but before i could walk out the door thomas told me to stop , and then he got closer to me

He whispered in my ear

"I know who you really are y/n"

I was shocked

I looked at him "how?" I asked

"Because I'm the one who has been following you since 2022"


I panicked, and then i heard a honk, and immediately left.

I got in the car and looked at thomas through the window, he was smiling.

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