slowly but surely(1)

540 35 4

'hi': my thoughts

'Hi': other's thoughts

_''Hi'': others speaking

_''hi": me speaking

_[hi(●'◡'●)ノ)) ]:author's note/comment

I added some details to the speaking bubbles to make it easier to identify who is talking




'How do you deal with a baby that has no blood relation to you whatsoever but you still feel like it's a younger sibling? '

As the youngest child in my family I never had such concerns. I would usually stay alone coeing at the cuteness of the baby while thinking how they'll grow up to be literal walking demons and becoming a menace to society.

However, I somehow found myself in a situation to ask such a question; big, adorable, blue, eyes stared at me attentively with inocence that newborns have and curiousity befitting the nature of a dragon but I could still feel the uneasiness and wariness which in my eyes didn't suit a hatchling that just broke out of its egg.

'I can't blame him. I would be scared if I was born and the first thing that I received is abuse. Good thing I have the mentality of a teenager'

I nodded to myself, completely ignoring the fact that I was still a child in human standards. I turned to the black hatchling that was hesitating on doing something .It looked like he wanted to come near me but worried it would bother me.

'What's wrong with him? We were sleeping together before he woke up. He was literally nuzzling on me. '

I moved my body leaving space for his little weak head to lean on me while facing the other way indicating my indifference toward his actions.

As if the small black blob of cuteness understood my intentions, he approached cautiously still afraid of disturbing me. He gently put his chubby paws on my furr and turned his head to me.

'Is he asking for permission? ' . I glanced at the baby dragon for a second but quickly closed my eye as if I didn't care. At this the budle of loveliness started touching my furr. He surely enjoyed feeling it and ruffling it.

I was barely holding a smile from drawing on my face. 'I wouldn't want him to back away from shyness now would I? '. I let myself enjoy the clamsy but welcomed touches. After a while of playing, he put his chubby cheeks on my stomach. Feeling his comfort, I stared at him curious if he fall asleep again.

'WAAAAAAH!!! HE'S SO CUTE!!!! The novel did describe him as an adorable dragon. But this is a whole other level!'

His sleeping figure made him look less harmful than his true nature as a dragon, with his small chubby paws that were still feeling my coat and his cute little nose moving in rhythm with his breathing proving he was comfortable with his position. His still yet to be developped tail was laying around him. While, his tiny wings fluttering from time to time indicating that he was pleased and I was especially mesmerized in his deep blue baby eyes shining in response to his majestic black scales.

wasn't supposed to exist (TOCFXFANFIC) Where stories live. Discover now