Chapter 43

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Stiles and Scott were at a party, they waited outside in front of the house


" What do you mean, "What?""

" I mean "What?", and you know what."

""What" what?"

"That look you were giving!"

"I didn't give a look..."

"Oh, there was a distinct look, Scott."

" What look???"

" The look that says the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to a party!"

"It's not that... It just seems weird, going to a different high school's party..."

"What? Would you...God, one drink, all right? You'll be fine! I went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all of her friends. So, tonight, no Allison, no Lydia. Tonight, we're moving on. Y/n is coming with us. Who knows you can maybe hook up with her !"

Scott looked at Stiles

"What-! That's y/n, as in hybrid ? Our best friend ?"

Stiles looked at Scott

"Yes! Our best friend. I mean we haven't seen her for 4 months, only texts and calls I gotta tell you Scott... she's freaking HOT! Always has been."

Scott nodded, a bit reluctant.

"I guess...You're right."

"That's right I'm right!"

" Moving on."

" Onward and upward!"

"Let's do this."

"That's what I'm talking about. Now, look at me."

" Okay."

"How's my breath smell?"

"I'm not smelling your breath."

"Do you have any gum?"

" No! No gum! You're fine!"

"I have some."

The two boys turn around to face you, you held a smile.


The two boys said

"How much of that did you hear ?"

"Oh well I just got here, I only heard Scott ask for gum.. I have some-"

"No! He's fine!- Cmon guys. We're moving on!"

"Moving on?"

"Yes... no Lydia no Allison and no Derek."

You nodded

"Alright... just to let you know I actually slept with Derek though."

Scott's and Stiles jaw dropped

"What ?"

"You had sex with him!?"

"It was 'in the moment' type thing. But yes I did. Let me tell you aftercare isn't real."

"Ah- am I the only one who's a virgin?"

"That can change if you want." You winked

Stiles looked surprised

"Wait really ?"

"Or maybe us three." You smirked

"Really !!" Smiled Stiles

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