Chapter 1: Are you kidding me...

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(1st POV)


I yawn as I walk out of the building at night after finishing my shift.

It's currently 10 pm

Usually, I'm home by this time, watching anime or sleeping if I don't feel like watching. But today I had to work extra hours because of some 'issues'.

Walking down the dark street to my apartment I see very few people walking around and even fewer cars. I turn right to a zebra crossing and walk without looking. It's not like there are many cars anyway.

As I think that, shining lights blind me alongside a truck horn blaring

''Oh sh-'' *sound of a guy getting hit by a truck*

I roll on the ground till I stop in the middle of an intersection

(Damn that hurt...) I think as I feel my head bleeding. Disoriented, I try to sit up only to hear another horn and being blinded again

(Not aga-) Those were my final thoughts before I lost consciousness




All I 'see' is black.

I feel like I'm floating

(What the hell is going on?) I think to myself

(Am I dead? Probably I mean I got hit by a truck twice, damn you truck-kun... Is this really what death is? Just floating around in emptiness? This sucks... Wait why am I so calm about this I just died? Damn... Though it is pretty warm and calming here... That loud heartbeat-like sound is annoying) I think to myself, trying to figure out where I am

I feel like months have gone by, even though it's probably only been seconds. I don't even know anymore.

(Huh? What is this?) I think as I feel something 'fleshy' with my 'hands'

I try pushing it only to hear some sort of groan, though I almost missed it because it was so muffled

(What the...) Now that I focused on my hearing I realized that I hear others, though it's hard to tell with the loud heartbeat.

(Maybe... No that shouldn't be possible... Is it? Am I a baby? In a womb? How?? Am I dreaming?) It was the only answer I could think of.

Feels like more months go by. (If I am a baby in a womb then I should be born soon. Did I get reincarnated or something? If so then to what world?) Many questions filled my mind until, as if on queue, I see a white light (Well now or never) I think as I get pushed to the light

(Agh) light blinds my eyes as I am finally pushed out

''Congratulations! It's a boy!'' I hear as I feel myself being held

''Here'' I feel myself being handed to someone else

*pant* *pant*

Finally, my eyes get somewhat adjusted to the light as I see a blurry red-haired figure

Feeling the warmth from the hold I fell asleep immediately, but not before hearing the words

''Your name will be Yuki Uzumaki'' A feminine voice said as I drifted off




(Huh?) I try to open my eyes only to close them quickly again. Once my eyes adjust to the light I look around only to see that I'm in a crib in a room with blue concrete walls and wooden flooring. Opposite my crib is a window.

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