Chapter 7: Sometimes, a blessing is a curse

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(3rd POV)

(Unknown amount of time later)

''What the hell happened here...''

A Kumo shinobi says to himself, standing before the scarred land of the once-rising superpower Uzu

As far as the eye can see, there is blood and ruins. He starts to walk.

''The first, alongside the second attack wave, all pulverized, torn apart, and charred black.'' The Kumo shinobi says to himself

He was sent here to look for any survivors and kill surviving Uzumaki as he is a sensory type shinobi.

''Reports say swarms of Uzumaki were seen fleeing off the island with no pursuers, it's obvious the Uzumaki did this, but, how?''

Miraculously, no Uzumaki was touched by the calamity, only those that died in battle or by collapsing buildings died.

They are being hunted at sea, but once they reach the Land of Fire, it's useless

Still walking through the ruins, he senses a faint chakra signature. Looking in its direction, he sees a collapsed apartment building.

Heading over there, he moves the ruin apart with a little earth style.

Inside, he sees a corpse of an Uzumaki woman, already decaying from the inside because of the smell, and a small red-haired child, unconscious

Just then, the little boy started to wake up

The Kumo shinobi quickly pull out a chakra suppression seal and puts it on his forehead.

Yuki only saw the Kumo shinobi put a seal on him before falling back unconscious

''Children should never be a part of wars'' The Kumo shinobi says as he places the ruins back over the child


''What did you say!?'' a giant bulky man yells in his office, unusually distressed

''Uh... the 4 thousand shinobi in both attack waves were killed by gigantic waves, tornadoes, and lightning of unknown origin.'' The Kumo shinobi nervously said to his third Raikage, A

A sits back down and sighs ''What the hell did the Uzumaki have up their sleeve to cause such destruction but leave themselves unharmed...''

''And you say all but a few buildings of which include a damn library we can't crack the barrier of, and destroying it would also destroy all the knowledge inside, a random apartment building that didn't get turned to ash, or destroyed by tornados, and an orphanage are the only things left? Great...'' A sighs

''I didn't like this surprise attack from the start, too cheap, should've gone there myself''


This same reaction was met with the other 3 village leaders involved


''I knew I needed to send some shinobi to Uzu after hearing reports of explosions there, but to come back with news of its destruction and only 123 Uzumaki survivors from a village that had at least 700 is absurd.'' *sigh* The third Hokage sighs to himself

With the sudden appearance of refugees, emergency rations were starting to deplete quickly. The village had to start buying increased food and water amounts to feed them all, with costs going towards building new buildings for the new people costing even more, the situation in Konoha is not exactly favorable. Even so, they couldn't turn down their allies.

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