The Kickback

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Destiny's Pov

"You already know where I live, why I gotta stay on the phone till you get here?" I asked Trevor. He's making me stay on facetime with him until he gets to my house because he claims he'll get lost if I don't.

"I want to make sure you're getting ready," he said.

"You acting like someone's daddy," I laugh.

"Come outside and get in the car while you being stubborn," he laughed. I hung up the phone and walked out to his car and he was already outside holding the passenger door open for me.

"Who did you get all dressed up for," he questioned.

"None of your business sir," I laugh.

"It's okay you can admit that you got dressed up for me," he smirked.

"Boy shut up and drive the car before Liah starts calling asking where I am," I said. Trevor and I talked about his classes and what he needs help on while we drove to Liah's house, and let me just say Trevor looks 10/10 when he drives.

"It looks like there's a bunch of people inside," I frowned.

"She might have invited a few more people," Trevor said. He and I walked into the house and I about walked right back out when I saw how many people were there.

"I could've sworn you said this was going to be a small kickback," I say as Trev and I walk into Liah's house. 

"That's what I was told shortie, I guess the guest invited more people," he shrugged. 

"I already wanna leave," I roll my eyes.

 "Stop being so lame and live a little Des," he wraps his arm around my shoulder. 

"Boy move your arm and let's go find our friends," I say.  

"Come on Joey just texted me they're about to play a game by the pool." 

Trevor and I walked back to the pool where Joey, Zay, Liah, and six other people sit. "Well look who finally showed up," Liah smirks. 

"Yeah yeah, what are we bouta play," I ask.

 "Truth or strip baby," Joey slurs. 

"J are you already drunk?" Trevor asked.

 "A liiittleee bit maybeeee, I had to save some room in my tummy for when we play dare or drink after this," Joey laughs. 

"Nigga wasted already so he either gon end the game fully clothed or naked," Zay laughs. 

"Alright so who wants to go first?" Liah asked. 

"I'll go," some girl with blonde hair said while eyeing Trevor. I rolled my eyes at her while she licked her lips at him getting ready to ask her question. 

"If I were to ask you to fuck me right now would you say yes?" she bit her lip. 

"She don't even got no lips with them two pieces of paper on her face," I think to myself. 

"Nah that's a hard pass for me," he laughed along with everyone else. He ain't have to that girl like that. She started pouting and mumbling about not sleeping with him anyways. 

"Alright Joey my guy, is it true that earlier this week you got caught having a threesome in the janitor's closet," Trevor asked. 

My mouth was probably touching the floor the way it dropped. "Hell yeah I had two cheerleader bitches on my dick till that janitor walked in," he proudly spoke.

 "If you got caught how did you not get suspended?" some girl asked. 

"I told the janitor if he said anything I would say he watched us," Joey shrugged. 

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