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While NGL was at a bar drinking in celebration of their new success, Jess posted a selfie of all her friends at the bar. No one there thought an instagram post would go wrong. They thought they'd be safe. They were wrong. Everything would go wrong because now YGD knew where they were.

YGD were already on there way to the bar. They knew it was about to go down. They were driving in a Mercedes-Benz going 85 MPH down the street to the bar. It was a miracle they didn't get pulled over. They didn't think about it, all they were thinking about was the fight. After 15 minutes of speedy driving they arrived at the bar and were ready.

When YGD came in Elijiah knew was about to happen. NGL imedidantly got up and got ready for YGD that was already walking over the their table. Damar pulled out his brass knuckles and got the first hit on Elijiah. Mia and Jess fought and Nevin and Jean fought all with bare fists. Damar had the upper hand on Elijiah until Jess knocked out Mia and took Damar to the ground. Jyte knocked Jean to the ground and pulled out a Glock 17 and shot Jean.

"WHAT THE HELL" Screamed Damar

Damar ran over to Jeans dying body and cried like his own mother just passed. No one knew this was gonna happen. Not even Nevin knew. It was the heat of the moment. NGL ran out to there car and drove off to avoid further damage. They already killed Jean, the friend of many. They knew many were gonna stop being friends with NGL. They had to hide for awhile.

"So, what do we do now?"Asked Nevin

"We lay low and avoid attention"Answered Elijiah

"We're so screwed"announced Jess

"No duh"said Nevin

"Shut up"barked back Jess"It's your fault any of this is happening"

"Both of you shut up"Yelled Elijiah"We don't need more drama"

NGL decided to all stay at Susan's house for a while. Susan was hesitant when she saw Elijiah. She already doesn't like him. She didn't want to deal with him for longer than a day. Eventually Jess convinced her to let them all stay for a couple weeks. Nevin was scared for his life. He knew he was Damar's number one target. He didn't want to die. He wished he could undo what he had done, but it was too late. He was screwed. He was next.

Nevin had trouble sleeping that night. He knew he had a large chance of dying next. He called Jess to ask her to come over so he could calm down. She agreed and got to his house a couple minutes later. Jess told Nevin he would be fine and he should sleep to calm down. Nevin calmed down and fell asleep 15 minutes later.

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